[quote=@Eschatologist] That sounds rad, but I would tentatively suggest that giving armored commanders the better part of a company to work with, and giving infantry players only a platoon, may be a poor idea for garnering a wide variety of player units. I personally would recommend giving everyone company-level command, but you're the GM, and I am more than happy with your decisions. [/quote] Well, it's still in the early stages and nothing has been decided yet. One idea I did have, and thought might be cool, is to allow players to design a whole battalion, and let them choose what parts of it to deploy per battle. The type and scope of the engagement would limit them to how much they could use. As I plan for Fascists and Communists to be episodic in nature, players would be able to watch their battalion progress and change as the war rages on. Would be cool having an infantry company that had seen action in three previous battles, with their actual combat history right there for everyone to see.