[center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/hyouka/images/b/bb/Eru.png/revision/latest/window-crop/width/200/x-offset/0/y-offset/48/window-width/240/window-height/120?cb=20140726100414&path-prefix=es[/img] [h1]Tomohina[/h1][/center] She could hear people getting closer. Every conversations branched out in large ripples of sound. But when the burning girl got close to her she winced. Recovering with a small sheepish smile, she lowered her eyes. "Sorry, I'm not quite used to," she gestured with her free hand to all of the people around her, "all of this." She let out a small nervous laugh. "I am sorry," she flushed feeling quiet foolish. The boy she assumed was the girl's brother apologized and she made sure to keep her eyes down. People always felt uneasy about her eyes. She wouldn't be able to make friends if everyone felt uneasy. "My name is Tomohina," she tipped her head a little, "nice to meet all of you. I'm sorry for causing a commotion..." [@KatherinWinter]