It was so soft, smooth, silky and warm. So nice to just curl up and sleep on - the pile of fresh clothes that is. The white fox had fell asleep on the pile of clothes again after sneaking around, trying - and failing - to catch a rabbit or even a mouse for the better part of the night. The pointy ears had twitched slightly at some comment obviously made by Roman - to which the now half awake fox had just mumbled under his breath "Says the fellow who's breath smells of... ...stuff." With a yawn, good amount of stretching and collecting his concentration Janos forced himself to his human form. He got dressed seemingly casually - though anyone with at least one brain cell could tell that there was a certain order things had to be done, well in his head... After the little dressing up ritual - and making sure his hair was at least in a barely presentable condition the short boy made his way to the car. Admittedly he had seriously considered just walking - after all the car was a deathtrap and knowing the demon's way of driving... He silently swore to himself that if they'd die thanks to Roman's shoddy care over traffic laws and speed limits the kitsune would come back to haunt him - and by god he'd haunt the damn demon so much! Still Janos meekly sat at the backseat with his attention fully focused on an old book - Ivanhoe, by Sir Walter Scott, which the kitsune had probably traded for a pack of cigarettes or whatever little items he had happened to have on hand when spotting someone reading it in a nearby park. Though the book was old and judging by the coffee stains here and there had seen better days - not even mentioning the fact that Janos pretty much knew it inside out by now - it was still much better a solution to keep reading the book than worrying about dying in a horrible car - and demon - related accident. Thankfully the rather dangerous little trip from their place to the school came to an end and Janos was free to slink away from the backseat - surprisingly he didn't offer any snide comments to Roman about his driving, or the fact how lucky they were that they hadn't been pulled over by the cops this time. The weirdest thing really was that the kitsune hadn't really said much at all during the whole car ride - not even his usual 'good morning'. __ After rummaging through all his pockets to make absolutely sure he had everything he needed for the day - which he of course had, since he wasn't a mean jerk of a demon who doesn't care about others and always resorts to violence before anything else! The short boy gave himself a mental pat on the back and carefully adjusted the thick braid of his while covering his eyes with the sunglasses of his. His hearing was sharp enough to hear a pair of guys actually wondering out loud if 'that blonde was a guy or a gal?' Instead of paying them any attention Janos just made his way towards the principal's office while concentrating more on reading the book than dodging people who got on his way - miraculously he managed to make his way through the relatively large gathering of students like he was a ninja, or or one of the assassins from the fancy computer games he'd seen.