[center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/hyouka/images/b/bb/Eru.png/revision/latest/window-crop/width/200/x-offset/0/y-offset/48/window-width/240/window-height/120?cb=20140726100414&path-prefix=es[/img] [h1]Tomohina[/h1][/center] Tomohina sighed softly and looked up at Ivy. She wouldn't mention the part of the reason she had freaked out so badly was because she had somehow 'seen' the other girl of fire. It was a rather surprising thing to see, when you were blind and had been since you were little. Biting the inside of her cheek, she shifted to one foot, then the other. "I-I am sure I can find my cabin..." Tomohina murmured, "Once I figure out the layout of the camp, I'll be able to get everywhere on my on." She turned a bit pink. "But... It would be nice to walk with someone," she said hesitantly. [@KatherinWinter]