So the feathers were real! He smiled warmly as Ryann spread her wings and suddenly such a tiny frame made more sense. On any other day that might have surprised Dimitri. Things of that nature were expected to be more acceptable under a state of inebriation but the monk was just about sober by now, a state he wished to alter as soon as possible but alas, there was no booze within sight at that moment. "Oh we'd be delighted to have you join us wouldn't we Herbert? The more the merrier I always say!" He chuckled at the boney skeleton's reaction to Ryann. He knew the tiny creature meant well with its insipid crackles and pops that now served as a voice for its reanimated state but in all honesty the grinding of cartilage in its throat almost wrenched a wince from the jovial monk. Maybe a good scoop of honey mead down the creatures gullet would help smooth out the retched noises that perhaps at some point in time had been very musical and calming. It was difficult to tell right now. "Oh Ryann how could I forget?" He gestured towards the tiny skeleton and smiled "this is our boney little minion. It deserves a name but I must admit, I am at a loss right now when it comes to deciding on a name for it. Perhaps Bizbee may suit it?" He laughed at the sound of the name then smiled at the creature. "What say you to that hmm? My tiny skelenial friend? We could call you BB for short!" With the round of introductions complete, the monk turned towards the grim alter once more and trudged forward biting back curses directed at the horrid snow and icey winds that were constantly batting at his face and whipping his robes about. It was not until a sickening crunch beneath the monk's feet vibrated through him that he realized they were just about to the alter. He cast his eyes down to the ground and frowned at the mess beneath his feet before glancing over his shoulder to make sure the others hadn't blown away in the breeze. After all; Herbert seemed like a weary old leaf of a man and well Ryann was so tiny it was a wonder the wind didn't carry her about like a piece of paper.