Dragon [hider=Dragon form] [img]http://i.imgur.com/SX4pKi7.gif[/img] [/hider] [b]Name[/b]- Cuth’ilum [b]Gender[/b]- Male [b]Species[/b]- Lich dragon [b]Personality[/b]- He’s old, and patient. He won’t attack you at first sight. For a matter of fact, he will probably ask you things. He’s always curious. But raise your sword too long at him, and he will freeze you in your own armor and purge your heart from every form of happiness you ever felt. He’s surprisingly non-caring about killing and human lives. If one must die, so be it. [b]Powers[/b]- Coldfire – The flame of this dragon has long been extinct. When the outside life force filled the remains of the long last dragons, it sparked a new flame. Coldfire burns the soul and freezes the body. It’s very effective against magic users and people with a strong heart. Coldfire exposure can have a variety of effects. If you’re hit just a little bit, you might experience shocked a little. If it’s longer, one might get panicked. Even longer still and pure despair is the only thing on your mind. Eventually you will lose all hope and collapse. This effect is regardless of armor and only a very few, specially tailored wards can protect against the effect. The freezing effect can be slowed by normal shield spreading the blue flames. But eventually equipment might freeze too, with you inside of it. Prophet – A gift and a curse and a rare act. Cuth’ilum is one of the few dragons who can see the ‘future’ and make a prophecy. Though it doesn’t happen voluntarily, nor are the visions he has very clear. The riddles made are even less clear and it happens less than once in a century. [b]Bio/History[/b]- In Lich dragon standards, Cuth’ilum is a very, very old dragon. He cannot remember what or who he was before his resurrection. He only knows he is the first to stand up again with a force not entirely dragon in his bones. Right when he had his first prophecy, a few humans who arrived saw him as the prophet of their god and began to worship him. Cuth’ilum felt honored, but also burdened. Other dragons did not welcome the humans to these mountains. He thought he had to protect them, but failed. The humans were slaughtered and eaten by young, hot-blooded dragons. Cuth’ilum could not say he was sorry, nor did he ever grief the human deaths. Instead he began to live in exile. Walking the earth. Meeting humans, elves and dwarves, both hostile and friendly. Meeting other dragons, young and old. He gathers wisdom now. About everything. [b]Other[/b]- [hr]