[hr][h1][i]The NEST Meeting[/i][/h1][sub][@Maxx][/sub][hr] Lihua's gaze from underneath her glasses went directly to Agent Clarke, and CONDOR. They certainly have [i]much[/i] to contribute. [color=00BFFF]"The ISD's method of extracting raw Metahuman energy is via a device specially designed to drain the energy out of Metahumans.... Theoretically speaking; anyone that gets their hands on such a device, and have the methods of containing it, could obtain Metahuman energy."[/color] Lihua answered Sam's question with the most professional demeanor. She thinks that she got it clear [i]why[/i] she's NEST's Intelligence Officer. And why that filled her with so much pride. She earned the position, and was dedicated enough to spend the last couple hours absorbing as much information as possible - as per the Director's orders. Though, she doubted any of these jarheads even reviewed [i]anything[/i]... Which is why she's here to fill them in. Hmph? Raw Metahuman energy? Michelle honestly didn't know that there was a way to [i]extract[/i] the energy... but, maybe there was something else going on here. While they were talking, she was fiddling with her gigantic thumbs, trying to make sense of all of this. She didn't know why they made her come to this meeting. Meetings and arrangements like this weren't her kind of thing. Michelle was more of a soldier. Yet, she was determined to get to the bottom of this as every other person in the room. Which is why she was going to give it her all. [color=007236]"... Permission to speak, Director?"[/color] Michelle said the very second Lihua and KINGFISHER stopped talking, standing straight up at attention. The Director answered, "You may proceed." [color=007236]"Thank you, Director."[/color] Michelle said, in the most orderly manner she could. She was talking to the Director, and usually she'd be a bit more lax - but you don't disrespect the Director. She'll have you scrubbing toilets having someone took a [i]super[/i]-shit in it. Michelle looked around the room - all eyes were on her, she knew she couldn't screw this up - before she began with her theory, [color=007236]"I have a personal theory; what if the attack on the lab was to recover means to steal Metahuman energy?"[/color] She started off, looking around for reactions in the room. [color=007236]"It only makes sense, ma'am. A lab gets raided for all it's equipment, and ten people were kidnapped - doesn't that sound like someone wants to get some of the energy?"[/color] It quickly became clear to Michelle that, in the Super-Science world, Metahuman energy was as valuable as oil to the United States... and people are just as willing to spill blood for it. [color=007236]"Continuing off that, what if it was an inside job, too? It's entirely possible that crooked ISD Scientists have been creating Mutagen for the Fiends."[/color] "Interesting thesis, Ms. Gallus..." The Director said, "Which is why I'm all for investigating the lab in University Row - and all ISD operations within the bounds of Verthaven." The Director turned towards CONDOR and Sam. "You have full permission to launch an investigation into the ISD." There was something about this Lihua couldn't put her finger on - she didn't know what, but she knew it was best that she keeps it to herself. At least until she gets something more concrete. She nodded her head. [color=00BFFF]"... If we're off this subject, may I continuing reviewing information? I have much to say about the Fiend's Hierarchy, and other key notes."[/color] Lihua adjusted her glasses. "You may proceed, Agent VuHong." The Director said. Lihua nodded her head, and the projection changed to a line of Fiends, armed with garden tools, walking down the street. [color=00BFFF]"The Fiend's chain of leadership, due to their chaotic nature, is very hard for us to be certain."[/color] Lihua adjusted her glasses, and then continued, [color=00BFFF]"Yet, we know that there are at least [i]four[/i] high-ranking members of the Fiends under Khan. Each of them command different areas of the Fiend's territory, and they were likely chosen by her because they're equally dangerous Metahumans."[/color] The projection switched to the image of a very tall (Nearly the height of Michelle) Caucasian man, thin, lanky, and was wearing a longcoat that dragged onto the floor, and had a greasy head of unkempt hair. Along with the Fiend trademark gas mask. [color=00BFFF]"This is [i]Aiden Smith[/i], also known as [i]Long Dragon[/i], first of the Fiend's lieutenants, and the one who we know the most about. He is known to command Fiends in the Bazaar Riviera."[/color] The projection snapped to another image, of a tall, black-skinned, reptilian creature. At least twenty-feet tall, and had very thin limbs, hands tipped off with massive claws, a long snout, glowing white eyes, and, and four wings. [color=00BFFF]"As you can see here, he is capable of transforming into a massive Dragon-like creature. Capable of breathing fire, flight, extreme feats of strength, and is tough enough to resist small arms."[/color] [color=007236]"I fought him, he's one tough bastard."[/color] Michelle mentioned. The projection image changed to a woman, Asian, sickly pale skin, short, and had very lanky - very well toned - limbs. She was shooting down a group of Highway Stars with an AK-47 - while they took cover. [color=00BFFF]"[i]Sulfur[/i], the second Lieutenant we discovered - yet, we haven't confirmed her actual identity. She's seemingly Khan second in command, going off how often they're seen together on the field, and the authority she holds over the Fiends. We suspect that she has familiar ties with Khan."[/color] The image changed to a greenish-black sludge stretching forward, filling the street - seemingly melting vehicles as it created a yellow gas. [color=00BFFF]"We don't know her exact ability, but it seemingly revolves around creating a toxic substance that causes a chemical reaction when it collides with metal that breaks it down, and produces a toxic gas in the process. This gas is capable of causing severe chemical-burns, and severe lung damage, and suffocation, if inhaled." [i]The Gai Hexin Yuan would have made her a fine soldier.[/i][/color] Lihua thought to herself as she continued. The projection changed, to a tall, Caucasian, that was very muscular, and shirtless. He stood in between two gates, with his arms rested on both sides of the gate. He looked at the camera-person very seductively through his gas mask. Lihua looked at the projection for a moment, confused, as she looked through the files she was holding. [color=00BFFF]"This is John Travis, also known as... Miss Director, are you [i]sure[/i] we have the correct name?"[/color] "Yes." She answered. Which made Lihua sigh. [color=00BFFF]"[i]I don't get paid enough for this...[/i]"[/color] She muttered underneath her breath, [color=00BFFF]"... [i]Big-Dong Travis[/i]-"[/color] She made it clear that it was painful to say that, a direct insult to her pride. [color=00BFFF]"-one of the lieutents that we know the most about. He usually engages in... fornication parties, with the other Fiends, and willing participants. Yet, Travis is the Fiend responsible for many of the Fiends larger drug trades with organized crime in, and out, of Verthaven. It is also suspected that Travis has access to serums that can give people powers - most commonly sold to the wealthy in Turtle-Creek."[/color] Lihua adjusted her glasses, and continued, [color=00BFFF]"... Which we believe that he has taken himself. Up until a few months ago, he had no powers. Now, he's likely their most destructive Fiend."[/color] The image changed to Travis, now several feet tall, and skin was jet-black and shiny (Coated with bulging red veins), being fired upon by teams of NEST Agents - which had no effect on him. [color=00BFFF]"Like Long Dragon, he is capable of changing forms. He can transform into a super-strong, super-dense, form - which is seemingly impervious to physical attacks - yet, we suspect that energy attacks may have an effect on him."[/color] Everyone looked on and wondered how a lowly band of tweakers were getting all this stuff. Lihua coughed, and the projection flipped to another image, to an thin Caucasian female, wearing combat pants, and a t-shirt, her face was obscured by a gas mask. Various burns on her body was seen as was in the middle of what seemed to be a tornado - objects and debris were flying around wildly, and getting crushed. [color=00BFFF]"This is [i]Burnmark[/i], the newest Fiend Lieutenant we identified, and she's the most unpredictable one - suspected to be a side-effect of her."[/color] Lihua stepped to the side, and continued, [color=00BFFF]"As you can see, she's telekinetic without control... Her power creates a wild telekinetic storm that destroys everything that's close enough."[/color] Lihua nodded her head, before the projection changed to Khan herself, standing on a roof with a grenade launcher over her shoulder. [color=00BFFF]"You all should know who this is,[i] Khan[/i]. The one Fiend that has authority over them all. We have little information as to who she is, or where she came from - but we do know that she is a soldier of some sort. She's demonstrated impressive hand-to-hand and combat skills. She is our highest priority target."[/color] The last image the projection displayed was her fog, and the creatures she revived shambling inside the fog as silhouettes. [color=00BFFF]"Her power is... very strange. She is capable of creating a fog that revives the dead and unconscious, which Khan seemingly has control over. The fog also causes hallucinations to the point where standing inside the fog can cause insanity. Along with the ability to turn into the fog, Khan is very hard to apprehend and track."[/color] Lihua nodded her head. [color=00BFFF]"The attack on the Festival told us that the range she's capable of spreading the fog is much larger than we believed. She's capable of blanketing an entire city neighborhood with it - even for a few minutes."[/color] Lihua looked around the room, before nodding her head. [color=00BFFF]"This is all we know about the Fiends lieutenants."[/color] [color=007236]"I have a question..."[/color] Michelle raised her hand. [color=007236]"... Where the hell were [i]they[/i] during the attack on the Festival?"[/color] She then shrugged. The two women exchanged glances for a moment, before Lihua answered, [color=00BFFF]"Their whereabouts were unknown at the time."[/color] She looked around the room. [color=00BFFF]"Any comments or suggestions?"[/color] She asked the group. [hr][h1][i][color=aqua]Jennifer Marissa Caspin[/color], & [color=red]Meifeng VuHong[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@ToadRopes][@Maxx][/sub][hr] [i]"Jennifer!" [/i] Speak of the devil - finding Ratchet wasn't as hard as Jennifer previously thought. Both girls turned towards Ratchet, and Jen smiled widely, waving her hand at her new friend. [color=aqua]"Inj- [i]Ratchet![/i]"[/color] They both stood there as Ratchet approached them. There were certainly a few similarities between Meifeng and Ratchet - both were taller (than her), somewhat athletic (Or tomboy), and were Asian. That was all in looks. Hopefully, Jennifer would be able to see Ratchet's personality outside of a life or death situation. And Jen could tell that Ratchet was in a much better mood - So was everyone! She couldn't name a single person that wouldn't be happy to make it out without a scratch.... Images of the bullet running through her flash through her thoughts yet again. Her eyes started racing around - disconnected from reality - as her mind tried desperately to calm her down. [color=red]"... Jen, you okay there?"[/color] Meifeng asked, with her, seemingly trademark, smirk. It was enough to get her back in reality. [color=aqua]"Y-yeah, I'm fine... Just a little hot."[/color] Jen said, trying her best to cover up her anxiety. She turned to Ratchet, and coughed. [color=aqua]"... N-no, me and my friend here-"[/color] Jen watched as Meifeng turned towards her with her arms crossed, it took her a little bit to realize that she forgot to even introduce her. [color=aqua]"-Live in the Priscilla Isle, and we decided to visit the beach...."[/color] She trailed off, scratching the back of her neck. [color=aqua]"I was, kinda hoping to meet you here, you got my text right?"[/color] She awkwardly said, her eyes drifting over to the side. Meifeng couldn't help but crack a smirk that bared her teeth. That was Jen for ya'. Didn't know how to do social interactions worth shit. It's a wonder that they met in that shitstorm. Though, Ratchet decided to actually acknowledge Meifeng, and introduce herself... As Ratchet. What a silly name. Who would use a tool as their nickname? Nobody, that's who. Though, enough of that, it was time for [i]introductions![/i] This will be fun. [color=red]"My name is [i]Meifeng[/i], basketball superstar, it's great to meet you, [i]Ratchet[/i]."[/color] Meifeng said, her accent was very thick. [color=red]"And, yeah, I'm Jen's friend,"[/color] She started off, she slid over to Jen, and quickly slung her arm around her shoulder - getting a quick, [i][color=aqua]"Hey!"[/color][/i] from Jen. Meifeng smiled widely, and leaned inwards, using her ounce of her strength not to let Jen go. [color=red]"Jen here wanted to go to the beach! And I wouldn't let her go alone - what? So those crazy Fiends can tear her apart? - so I elected myself to go with her!"[/color] Meifeng explained what happened. Managing to wrestle out of Meifeng's grip (By sliding downwards), Jennifer got herself free. She took a few steps away, then looked at Ratchet, then Meifeng. [color=aqua]"... That's what happened."[/color] Jen confirmed, coughing. [color=aqua]"But, now that you're here, do you just want to, you know? Hang out? We can talk just like I said..."[/color] [color=red]"Yeah, it's a beautiful day!"[/color] Meifeng looked up at the sun - not directly into it. [color=red]"... Just tell me if you see a tall, crazy, Chinese woman in a suit! Hehe!"[/color] She laughed, and Jen started laughing very nervously. A fucking dog ran towards them, and Meifeng was pretty certain that the damn thing was going to take a bite out of them. [color=red]"Oh shit!"[/color] She said, as she reached towards each side of her waist - as if she was reaching for something. [color=red][i]Fuck! I don't have my water bottles![/i][/color] In which case, Meifeng dropped into stance. Jen's eyes were wide, and she was taking plenty of steps back. The immediate thoughts in her head, were: [color=aqua][i]I'm about to demonstrate my regeneration again, aren't I?[/i][/color] Before Meifeng had to kick this dog a new one, it's owner told it to stop - and like a complacent pup, it just sat down. Which was a relief to all three girls. Jennifer sighed, while Meifeng put her hands on her hips, and looked the woman down. She was some blonde-haired girl, wearing beach-goer-wear like everyone else. As she got closer, Meifeng noticed that they were pretty much the same height. [i]"Sorry about that."[/i] Well, Jennifer didn't hold it against this woman. She stopped her dog before it could bite anyone, and that was fine. [color=aqua]"Yeah, it's fine. Nobody got hurt."[/color] Meifeng wanted to say something along the lines of "Watch your dog", or "Watch [i]yourself[/i]", but that'd be [i]rude[/i], and unnecessarily hostile. Her mother told her to pick her fights very carefully... and don't be overtly passive-aggressive. She just shrugged, eyes absentmindedly closed, and said, [color=red]"No harm, no foul, I guess."[/color] She was detached, and pretty much uncaring. Because this blonde-haired broad would be gone in no time. Though, that changed with one question.... [i]"Oh hey!" she said "You go to Academy 12, don't you?" [/i] [color=red][i]Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit...[/i][/color] The thoughts ran through Meifeng's head as this broad basically [i]broad[/i]casted (Pun totally intended) that Meifeng (and herself, really) was a Metahuman. This made Meifeng begin loudly coughing, in order to cover up mention of Academy 12. Drawing plenty of attention to her. Last thing that Meifeng wanted to do was give out that she was a Metahuman, especially if her two friends are frightened by them - And the Pure are fucking everywhere in this city! Then she looked at Eva... and kinda recognized her. She didn't know. There was a lot of people at Academy 12. She couldn't remember all of them. Meifeng leaned in, and whispered to Eva, [color=red]"What are you trying to do? Broadcast that I'm a meta...?"[/color] She asked, somewhat annoyed. The only thing that'd be worse is people knowing that her mother is with NEST! [color=red]"Yes, I go there, just be a little more lowkey next time, okay?"[/color] Meifeng pushed her weight back, and stood normally. Academy... Jennifer wondered what Eva was going to say before Meifeng cut her off. She wanted to ask, but it seemed like Meifeng was trying to hide something - going off how she was whispering to her. She wanted to ask what was that about, but she was afraid that she'd overstep her boundaries! So, she choose to find a way to distract herself. Jennifer looked off to the side - and saw a group of five young women walk by. She certainly found a distraction once her eyes landed on one particularly large backside. She blushed.