As Fury grinned in his face, Kanitah spat directly into his teeth. Again, only for the purpose of pissing him off. Their legs scrambled around eachother, but Fury's longer legs would prove to be more advantageous as they found better ground around Kanitah's. The grapple persisted and Fury's body was moving downwards onto Kanitah's own and he was moving in for a stranglehold. Which wouldn't be good, you know, breathing is still very important to him. His response was limited to just about three options, two of which weren't guaranteed to work, the other. Well the other's just plain obvious. With his hands between Fury and himself, Kanitah thrust both of them upwards into Fury's solar plexus. Without any room to evade the strike he wouldn't be able to defend. While Fury was trying to strangle him, he left his entire chest open for a series of much smaller but very impactful blows. As he would lay a series of short punches into Fury's chest, he would also begin to roll his hips side to side, as well as rocking his shoulders back and forth with each strike. As well, with each successful blow, it would dent his armor inwards onto his own chest. This would force his breath shallower and shallower as the room for his ribs to expand was diminished. Kanitah's punches would be at barely at a fifth of their power, and with no defense it would at least push Fury upwards. This would let Kanitah have more room to react, as well as make his follow up. If they succeeded.