[@Krein] I think I've come up with a fairly easy nerf. Most of these points can be addressed by simply making it harder for Shiro to use them at long distances. The farther away his target is, the more effort it takes. If he wants to teleport to the other side of the planet, it takes a minute of preparation and focus to do so. This makes it quite hard to do during combat. It also means he cannot project his vision across the world, or attack from immense distances. It also shuts off the option of creating a portal to the sun, and roasting entire cities at once, which is something I've been trying to explain. The Tankshell will also be nerfed. I'll state that because it's a new technique, and hard to do, Shiro needs a moment to do it. The portal is opened before the actual attack, meaning you have half a second to spot the portal and GTFO. Not enough for a normal human, of course, but a superhuman should be able to do that. I nerfed the weapon/armour removal by limiting it to nonmagical gear, and stating that extremely technologically advanced gear can be warded against it. Guilt, for example, would have such a ward. If he didn't, Shiro would be able to dismember him with a thought, as he is not alive. Thanks for the thoughtful reply ^^ [@Cuccoruler] No problem, I've gmed as well. And I've also led a life, which means stress. So I feel ya.