[center][h3]- Cheol Akiyama -[/h3][/center] After getting his bearings, Cheol made his way to Cafeteria. Upon entering, he glanced around nervously, looking for familiar faces. His first instinct was to look for Kitty, who he thought was the nicest of the people he had met and the easiest to get along with, but he couldn't see her. He [i]did[/i] catch sight of Alexis but... Well, to be honest, he kind of found her a little intimidating. Besides, she seemed to be conversing with another girl, and he didn't want to be rude and interrupt their conversation, so instead, he decided to simply get himself some food first and then worry about where to sit. Heck, he could sit with Paul if he could find him. After all, they were roommates, and Paul seemed nice enough, if not a little guarded. Eventually, he got himself a plate of food, and then paused, looking around for a table to sit at. [hr] [center][h3]- Vice Principal Nina Smith -[/h3][/center] While the students had been taken to Cafeteria by the other teachers, Nina had spent some time cleaning up her own quarters for when Deia needed to sleep. However, during this time, she had run into a bit of problem... The report had expressly forbid her from ever removing Deia from her restraints. So... did that mean they just expected Deia to sleep in her wheelchair? That didn't seem particularly comfortable. Had Deia ever slept in a warm bed before? Heck, what even qualified as sleep for Deia? Was she ever allowed that luxury? Nina inwardly cursed and sat herself down on her own bed, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. She really wished she had been given some warning before all this had happened. She felt completely unprepared. As she sat there for a moment, she noted something in her corner of her vision, and turned her head to a photo placed on her bedside table. Wistfully, she picked it up and held it up to her face. It depicted a younger Nina, or Marina as she had been known back then. She was smiling, a full, happy smile. In her arms, was a young, equally happy boy, who looked a lot like her. Same red hair, same green eyes, same thin face, same pointed chin. Nina found a smile form on her own face, suddenly calmed by recalling some distant some memory. Then she replaced the photo on the table and stood up. It would be alright. Worst came to worst, she could ask Deia of what she wanted. After some more cleaning, Nina eventually left her room and went to Cafeteria. She caught sight of Deia, but didn't approach her immediately, instead going to get some food for the girl. She didn't know what the girl liked. She wasn't even sure if Deia knew herself, so she picked out food she thought was the nicest, before going over to Deia and sitting by her. "Hello, Deia," Nina said, cheerfully to the girl. "How are you? I hope you weren't waiting too long."