Kyouma's run slowed to a stop as he arrived at Torako's location just as she began rattling off about her distaste for level 5s... Right in front of one of the top level 5s in the city. So he was too late after all, wasn't he. "...Oi. There's absolutely no reason to lash out like that, you know..." he sighed, shaking his head. She was one to talk, after all; he had seen everything unfold from his dorm room, and what happened heavily implicated her, not the level 5 standing before them. "If you're looking to agitate people, don't. You'll only be hurting yourself." He was quite sincere about this; someone of his kouhai's strength taking on Misaka Mikoto was like tossing a deer in front of a truck, and his underclassman certainly was no truck. She'd probably hate him for siding with those two, but he really felt she was in the wrong this time. He could sort that out later, though. Right now, disarming the situation was the highest priority.