Makoto stood up, thinking about her university and the impending exams. The campus, though sheltered from usual physical interaction, was a breeding-ground for internet news. This happening was probably all over the web, and causing enough outrage to get people talking in person. No doubt being an institution so close to the Academy would have even the staff buzzing. [color=fff79a][b]"Maybe I should go back to school, I have a feeling the grape-vine is doing wonders over there. I can maybe find out some more information and see what the masses feel, based on the hype likely around the topic."[/b][/color] She was standing to wash the mug and throw out the wrapper of her cornmeal muffin when Phoebe's phone bagan to play a funny tone. Another call? That was unusual, but at a time like this one could expect anything to happen. [b][color=fff79a]"Can you conference that call into our current one?"[/color][/b] Makoto asked Phoebe, knowing that some cell phones were capable of such things.