Soon finding his cabin after about a minute of searching, Kido quickly entered and placed his bag down one of the beds. As he looked around the room, he smiled a bit at how cozy it was with the wooden walls and the extra bed for another cabinmate on the other side. He had read on the door that he was currently the only one in there at the moment, though. Perhaps there would be another camper there later, but he had the entire place for himself for now. That would be fine, he decided. Nothing wrong with a little more room to stretch while settling in. After taking a few minutes to put some of his clothes and other items away, still leaving a few for later so he could get back out and meet some of the others sooner, he gave a look of satisfaction at his work and set foot outside the cabin once again. The sunlight felt wonderful after having spent so much time on that bus before, as did the freedom to finally stretch without being confined or weighed down by his bag. [color=f49ac2]"Such nice weather~! It'll be a great day for outdoor activities, I'm sure!"[/color]