Considering Fury’s head was nestled down close to Kanitah’s body, rather than hovering above him in prime head butting range, spitting in his teeth was not actually possible, not that Fury would have cared. Fury managed to hook Kanitah’s legs as he pushed down and tried to enact his choke, but felt a slight pressure and a sudden lifting of his mid-drift as Kanitah attempted to open palm strike his solar plexus. Unfortunately the cramped conditions worked against Kanitah, for even with his force enhancing rings such a blow was never going to be particularly effective against the armoured juggernaut. All it really served to do was force Fury to grit his teeth and try harder for the choke, aiming to wrap his right arm around and behind his opponent’s neck. Technically there was a lot of other moves he could try and transition to at this point, but frankly all Fury needed was a good stable contact point where his opponent couldn’t fight back very well. With that established his energy drain would do the work for him.