[@BranchOfSin] Mere moments after closing his eyes and just feeling the sunshine while he stretched, Kido opened them again in surprise as he felt himself tumbling to the ground unexpectedly. [color=f49ac2]"Oof! Was that a bad place to stand, I guess?"[/color] He shook his head and looked up to see the larger boy standing above him waiting to help him up. Accepting it with a smile, he rose to his feet and brushed himself off. [color=f49ac2]"No worries! The dress can be cleaned. It hardly even got anything on it, somehow."[/color] There might have been a small scuff or two actually, but they didn't look that noticeable to him. Besides, he wasn't hurt, so he didn't have any real reason to fret. [color=f49ac2]"I'm Kido, by the way. And you?"[/color]