no reply to the I weakened the resictance thing a lot (mainly has its uses against poison and small scale effects now, as for the small scale effects, they no longer ignore and give the blow the next day, nope, now it effects him right away, his body can just stand it a little better, like electrical charges wont burn his skin, but he will still feel the pain and wont be able to move, only exception to the moving bit is when he has something important enough to will himself to move, but seeing his personality there wont exist anything like that for now, maybe if he gets a girlfriend, but yeah, no motivation to push himself means he will be fully effected like normal, though with a slight physical resist for his health) sorry if this is a bad post, my brain is exhausted today, too much bad stuff on that note, my phone died so I will be less active on the guild as well (tended to check up on the guild using my phone often and posted OOC and small IC posts, now I am bound to my laptop only, which is nearly always at home (exception is my parents place))