They're a heavy unit thick with armor and arms. Best way to describe them is that they're a mix between The Roman Legion, Spartans and the Vikings with a heavy dwarvern touch. The dwarfs have no heavy calvary but make up for in sure brute strength and stalwart defense. The Stone Sons in particular are a very secretive fighting force in their culture. Only certain high standing figures are the only known members. To be a member that particular dwarf has to have a pure lineage back to the original founding fathers. One cannot simply join them they're are sought out and to join the legion is to have their house blessed with both riches and honor after their death or over so many years of service. Members cannot even tell their spouses or family who they are. But they come from all walks of life, they could be miners, soldiers, craftsman anything Elves and humans are the only ones with calvary. Elves are more a hit and run when it comes to their tactics but are the best in the buisness when it comes to light arms and archery. Humans their trump card is their knights, heavy mounted/dismounted calvary but have a moderate mix between the rest of their forces. When it comes to the female gender its in the Elven army that they really stand out, have equal rights and have had or have general type figures. The most equal society and far above the dwarf and human nations. Among the human nations ladies either dress and feign their gender or become apart of a ranger group that lives among the woods where they can gain authority. Their are exceptions as I will detail in the OOC this weekend they had been a few warrior queens in their history. Dwarven women according to husbands, brothers and kings alike are more terrifying than a dragon. Which most would rather face a dragon than an angry spouse. Their appearance while being more muscular due to their racial identity look more like any human woman but on a shrunken basis, so no beards ha ha.