There exists a small high school in Salem, Oregon that none know about unless admitted. Seven Sins high school. Here, students are... unorthodox, to say the least. Witches, Wizards, Angels, Demons, Demigods, and even the occasional werewolf will stumble into our midst. We accept students of every type, as long as they can prove that they are not an inherent safety concern to other students. We offer all courses that your everyday highschool does, as well as a few specialized for helping the supernatural exist in the natural world undetected. However, all students must take and pass a certain amount and certain types of classes each year or they do not pass that year, and are required to go to summer school regardless of their reason for not passing. This is what I have so far!! I'll make an official post for it with more in depth descriptions of classes and graduation requirements etc once I have at least 4 people interested. I will accept no more than 7 people. This RP will be focused on the summer school, likely with delinquent-type students who for whatever reason (up to you) didn't pass their year.