[quote=@Spud] Im only familiar with Agents of Asgard and the Marvel Movies so Lady Thor is ... well I don't know her ^^" I might just do a gender-bend version of Avengers Assemble Thor, but make her a little less goofy (or perhaps stay goofy, I do love thor x'D) either way, she'll come in like a thunderstorm (of course!) and swing a hammer like a pro!!! That is if I'm accepted and thats all above board, I'll not jump ahead ^_^b [/quote] Make the char, it will kinda depend on if Loki is being used as in that sheet he mentions Ragnarok happened. So if he decides to keep Loki you may have to go with after Ragnarok Mjlonir found itself a new Thor :P Alternatives are multi-verse travel accident and waiting to see if the person who has the Loki char in the thread is wanting to continue playing Loki as as Ded said he hasn't posted in the thread for a while :P