Sal gritted his teeth as he arrived at the edge of a village. The ground was covered in blood, and he was disgusted. He had hoped that the rumors he had heard concerning Lord Xalafoor's reign here, were just that mere rumors. He made his way through the busted down fence of the village warily keeping his eyes open. Ready to cut down any threat as soon as it appeared. He wore a full suit of bronze armor except for the helmet, with a bronze lance, longsword, circular shield, throwing daggers. Besides that he kept a small bag strapped to his back with food stuffs, in case he couldn't find any place to stay. [i]Like hell, there would be a place to stay here[/i], he thought in anger as he shook his long black hair out of his blue eyes, which glared around like ice. All of a sudden he heard a voice raised, coming from the village marketplace, "Protest more, mortals and this is what will befall you!" He growled under his breath as he went past corpses which littered the ground, continued onwards to that voice. He was sure that who ever was calling people mortals, that they were scum. Just as he neared the voice, (actually just around the corner of a half destroyed 'house' from the voice), he noticed movement in the corner of his right eye, Sal turned his head to notice an armed man leaving a tent. [@Kindos] Out of curiosity as he watched the man continue on his way, Sal entered the tent where the guy had exited. His eyes gaped at the corpses that covered the floor of the tent, they were all dead from a weapon with a sharp point or edge. There was also children. Sal made a promise to himself, that man who left this tent was going to pay and pay dearly.