[@Voltus_Ventus] [@gammaflux] [@Kimiyosis] Daven started to ignore Vis and walked to the girl and cut her down, leaving her wrists and legs tied, "If it's that big of a deal to you then take her yourself." At that the men walked off. The other group of raiders arrived at the broken down tavern and,seeing no sign of Vis, started a patrol group for a possible impostor with a speech impedement and two or more prisoners. As the searched, Night began to fall. [@The Wanderer] [@Spoopy Scary] [@Dragonbud] [@akje] As the party reached the halfway point to BitterBourne, night began to fall and the group had to decide whether to stop for the night or keep going. Des walked up to the noisy lady(Alula) and tugged on her robe to get her attention. "Miss, what's going to happen to the sun man?"