[hider=King] Name: Digby Rawthorn Queenston Codename: King City of Operation: Cleveland, OH Appearance:[img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ld6q8mf21Q1qd9xs3o1_1280.png[/img] Age: 21 Gender: Male Superpowers: [hider=Light/Dark Manipulation] [hider=Light] -Can manipulate, create, and absorb light and colors. Can produce light attacks such as rays and beams. Can create Light geometric constructs (cones, spheres, cylinders, cubes etc.) out of light. Can also create shields and armor out of light. His light ability is like working with bricks and solids.[/hider] [hider=Dark/Shadow] -Can create, and manipulate darkness/shadows in different shapes, sizes, and intensities level. Can produce dark attacks like slashes, bolt, and blast. Can make different 4D constructs and shadow swords and daggers. He can also animate his constructs at night.[/hider] [/hider] Skills/ Talents: Due to his charisma and humor, Digby can talk his way out of any situation. He is also very educated due to his upbringing. He know all about the Optics and Physics. He also knows a little about Biology. Equipment: [hider=Light Cells] -Small round grey spheres that contain compacted light. They have the function of acting as a flash bang that can be absorbed, when he needs to He designed the cells himself so that if he was ever in a dark place he could get some source of light to use [img]http://thewitchesway.co.uk/images/Black%20Obsidian%20Silver.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Corruption Meter] -This is a watch that measures the corruption rate of his darkness. During the day his dark powers are inactive and the meter only shows a rate anywhere between 15-25, but at night it jumps to 80 . Things do not get dangerous until he hits 500. [img]http://www.wired.com/wp-content/uploads/blogs/design/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/iWatch_concept.gif[/img][/hider] [hider=Goggles] -These goggles have two functions. One is for the day, it can get very bright when he uses his powers, so these goggles act as sunglasses and can also still identify his enemies. The second is for the night. The goggles have a night vision function that let him see in the darkness. [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/342/a/0/steampunk_goggles_number_2_by_ambassadormann-d2411ef.jpg[/img][/hider] Weaknesses: -[b]Same Time Power Play:[/b] King cannot use both sides of his abilities at the sometime. If he were to try to, the powers would cancel each other out and both would be rendered useless for a period of time (1-5 hours) -[b]Time of Day:[/b] King cannot use his light power at night and he cannot use his dark power during the day. When the sun is out King's connection to darkness is severed and he cannot control darkness/shadows as easily. At night there is no primary source of light (i.e. the sun) so his overall production, and manipulation of light is gone. -[b]Darkness Corruption:[/b] Whenever the sun goes down King becomes corrupted by a dark entity. It makes him do crazy things and he becomes more serious and cares less about human life. When he starts to use his powers it only makes things worse. The highest his corruption rate has ever gotten is 500. And he nearly murdered someone. -[b]Sloth and Serious Natures:[/b] King is a very lazy person. Although he is good at saving others he still hates when civilians get in the way and make even more work for him. He has even been known to leave people behind to fend for themselves just to minimize the work. King considers himself allergic to serious nature. He cannot ever take his work seriously, even in the face of danger and death; he still wears a humorous smile. This has earned him a childish reputation among the heroes and villains alike. Psyche: King is usually always cheerful and funny, but has a habit of making fun of others. He is very lazy as well. He hates doing work, so he tries to minimize the amount he has to do each day. His superhero work counters this philosophy, so he hates it but because of his morals he does it anyways. King is also not a very serious person. Many people hate this about him because everything is a joke to him. King strives to find the light in every situation so he doesn't have to face the dark. King hates to clean up other peoples messes. This is why he doesn't like super villains, he thinks that the only thing villains do is go around making messes for others like King to clean up. The only time you will ever catch King doing work is for children. A child can ask King for anything and he might do it, this is because King likes kids for that adults. History: Digby Rawthorn Queenston, grew up on the outskirts of Cleveland, at In Focus Orphanage. No one knew who his parents were, and he left in a basket with his birth certificate and a note saying "Free baby." He grew up with other kids, but he was always a distant child. He could be found looking out a window or reading a book in his free time. Because of this he was bullied by the others for being a loner. The only person who showed him any respect was the runner of the orphanage, Mother. She was not a nun, but no one knew her real name so they all called her mother. She would always be there to clean his wounds and pat him on the back. Mother showed Digby that there is a light side to every situation you just have to find it. When Digby became legal, he went to college in California. He studied Optic science, Theoretical Physics, and Mechanical Engineering. After college he stayed in California because he was too lazy to go back to Cleveland. Even as kid his laziness always got him in trouble with Mother. She would always say ask him why he does not fight back against the other kids and he would say that it was too much work. He only returned to Cleveland because he got a phone call from a hospital saying that an Anna Timberluck was admitted and Digby was her primary contact. Digby was reluctant to return but something told he needed to. When he arrived at the hospital he found Mother in the hospital bed. It turns out she had cancer and was very ill. The doctors told him that he could take her home but she would need him to be there and take care of her. So when he went outside to get his car ready the White Rain began to fall. He was standing at the edge of the light poles coverage, so half of him was in the dark and the other in the light. The next day he woke up and it looked like the lights were on high, but all the light came from him. [/hider]