Tsuruko exhaled as she did her motions for her sword. She was behind the building for the religious research club practicing with her sword. She failed and as such she needed to make herself better to protect her new friends from danger. As a queen piece she was one of the strongest pieces on the field yet still some of the peerage members was hurt this could not stand. The straw dummy she had set up was cut up and was barely held together as it was. Sheathing her sword she sat down before taking a small sip as she watched the clouds roll by. Figuring it was around time she headed into the club building not before bringing a small bottle of cold tea for her lord. He was worried and was busy trying to figure out what attacked his peerage practically tearing himself apart as is so she did what she could for him doing the club paperwork for the student council among other things. Reaching the desk Lorenzo was sitting at she placed down the bottle of tea nearby for him before quickly taking a position behind him keeping guard as was her standard procedure.