[@Suku][@Lunar Templar] System: "FIELD 7 - RUINS. SPECIAL MAP: CHERNOBYL" [img]http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/08/27/article-2402589-1B7B3A1E000005DC-338_964x617.jpg[/img] System: "BATTLE START!" With that Dani launched, pushing forwards until she was on the map. Launching out of a tunnel, she got a small feel for the stein before landing ontop of one of the large apartment buildings. Switching to her special system, she activated it, the Stein activating the psycho frame, going into its destroy mode. [hider=Picture] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DnNHL105Qas/UjtIQQYQJFI/AAAAAAAABd0/-64tcqXRySU/s1600/45664_10151882135585590_1183089226_n.jpg[/img] [/hider] With this, Dani let out a small cry of pain, wincing hard as she felt the helmet activate and join into the plug in the base of her neck. IT was always uncomfortable when it happened, but she also had never fully 'dived' so to speak. The girl didn't go limp, but closed her eyes and her hands were in her lap. That was when the stein powered down. It appeared powerless, but still threw off a reading as the shining pink turned to dull. She wasn't out of the battle.