[@Demon Shinobi][@Silver Fox][@The Irish Tree][@Constantine][@AiyvaGuard][@Lmpkio] I want to apologize and thank you guys. I want to apologize cause I'm probably the worst gm ever. I really do try my hardest with this but I probably don't live up to all of y'alls expectations. I wish I could but I know I'm kind of crappy at this GM thing. I mean Demon basically is the GM which I'm thankful for because I know he's better at it than I am. So again I apologize. But I thank you guys cause you have stuck with this roleplay for over a year now. It's one of my favorites and I couldn't have wished for better people to roleplay with. Thank you guys so much for putting up with me in this roleplay. I am so thankful for it. That's all. You may carry on with whatever you were doing before. :)