"Well." Shuo said slightly apprehensively."I suppose if we're going to be spending much time on the Human homeworld we may aswell get acclimated to the uh...food." Now that Shuo thought of it he began wondering how dry the Human homeworld was. He knew they liked it dryer than Masulu and even Tempu but he wasn't sure by what degree. When Rareth started listing off names of foods he had never even heard of it reminded Shuo of another Human food that had been recommended to him before by people returning from shore leave. "Whatever that there was something I heard the Humans make with their fish. It is called something with a long s sound. Suuuuush I think? I'm not sure what it is called exactly but I'm sure they'll know what I'm asking for. But it would be best if we went to the place, considering we'll not have anything to do here for the next couple of days anyways." Shuo said gesturing around the room then placing his hands on his knees.