Roy stayed quiet, the others speaking as the doctor thought about the mission. If it was as simple as they were making it out to be then he wouldn't even be needed on it. Of course it was never that simple. The absence of a captain threw a wrench in there and really raised the possibility that something might complicate the mission. Of course he didn't know for certain and was just spouting paranoid thoughts, but it was his job as a doctor to worry for the potential safety of those under his care. "I think I'll stay on the ship, ma'am, doesn't seem like you'll need a doctor for a pickup mission." He said, glancing at Maggie. Roy almost mentioned something about that they should have some high ranking personal stay on the ship, to keep everyone from eating each other alive and have at least some semblance of order. "Besides, I think Dr. O'Neil and Kiera are more than enough brains for the mission." He added with a smile.