[u]18th of June[/u] [u]Cabin in the Sundancer[/u] Gaon floated in the middle of the room, wings outstretched, balancing a ball of fire between his hands. [i]What can I do with this?[/i] He thought. There was an open book on the bed, the page stopped at 'Fireball'. He'd been learning it the previous night, but he'd been dissatisfied with its destructive power. [i]First thing's first...[/i] He thought, [i]It's too small.[/i] The fireball started to swell and grow, the heat growing stronger as it did so. It grew to the size of a rock melon, then to the size of his head, and then even bigger. However, the growth started to slow and eventually it ground to a halt. The fireball reached his outstretched hands and the heat was impressive. But... [b]"This is my limit for now."[/b] He said. The fireball dissipated and he lowered his hands with a sigh. He floated backwards onto the bed and dropped onto it. [b]"Damn it, I don't want to use Anima Overflow just for this."[/b] He said, flipping through his book. Well he said that, but in actual fact he was probably going to do it anyway. He had a pretty good idea in mind, but his magical ability was a little too limited in his current state. It was rather annoying for his body to be unable to keep up with his mind but he couldn't do anything about it. [b]"Just like my legs..."[/b] His legs dangled uselessly from the bed. He was unable to move his legs since birth and as such they were a detriment to him more than anything else. [b]"Eh whatever, I'm still pretty far away."[/b] He said, trying to console himself. [b]"I'll have plenty of time for this new spell."[/b] He'd paid the captain of the ship to take him to Kamisai, but she'd apparently had a couple of passengers heading to Juren as well. At least one of the other passengers had been rather talkative but Gaon hadn't had any plans of coming out of his room. [b]"Ah, I don't care anymore!"[/b] He said, pulling himself upright. He held out his hands in front of him and concentrated.