[u][b][i]Sundancer, Below Deck[/i][/b][/u] There was three things that a wise man feared : the calm before a storm, a night without song, and the wrath of a Erdevar stuck inside an airship. It was not that Asrai particularly had a dreadful fear of flying but she disliked the act all the same. She much prefered the ground beneath her feet. Ground did not go and explode randomly in the sky and kill everyone inside, ground did not depend on the calculations and skill of others to remain alive. Ground was dependable and stout qualities that Erdevar valued immensely. Normally Asrai would have made her pilgrimage to Kamisai on foot treking across the empire, across the border into Juren, traveling to the Juren coast and taking a boat from there onto the island before trekking it across the Kamisai chain of isalnds to visit each of the pilgrimage temples before heading back to her old village. Though it seemed all sense of normality was quickly leaving Azure as the Mytryan Monarchy grew hungry for more power. What was once a simple border crossing, became a whole affair as she had to pass through several imperial checkpoints and now she couldn't even do that as only special military visas could get you through the impromptu blockade the imperials had created. Though things like a simple military checkpoint weren't going to stop her pilgrimage even if it meant having to fly on a death machine through the sky. Sometimes she cursed her own damn cultural obligations. The Vukodav sat as she did for most of the trip in silence legs crossed in a meditative position. Her bow was across her lap and Adra was curled up next to her his canine frame slowly rising and falling with his gentle breaths. Meditation was less of something Asrai did and more of something must do. The practice of Erdevar mediation is a process that is placed into the children of Kamisai at a very young age. They spend their first months of training at the temple learning to meditate properly. It started out simple lots of sitting and deep breathing and eventually they moved to more abstract ideas things that would make the average man raise an eye in postulation. They learn to feel the anima around them fluxing and coursing like a gentle river as they trained to feel the ripples that life caused within it. This lead to a very acute sense of self and presence in a Erdevar medition state as it puts you very quickly into perspective into the much bigger span of the universe. Each breath felt miniscule and yet oddly important to the bigger picture as if even though the void did not care of you without you the void had nothing of contrast. Though Asrai was having trouble finding an extended period of peace due to the constant racket of the airship around her. As the Sundancer groaned again gently Asrai opened one of her eyes again letting out a small sight. Giving up upon meditation she arose to her feet stirring Adra who got up and followed close behind leaving her cabin. She did not travel far moving only from her quarters to the stern observation area. An observation area in the way that the ship was a luxury liner really just a place at the back of the Sundancer that happened to have a small window. Through her she saw what she could barely deem to see as another airship heading in the same direction of them. The strange sight almost past her by absentmindedly but being that close to Jurden made her extra suspicious. [i]”Hmmm....”[/I] was all she said already pondering to herself as she continued her idle wandering about the underdeck of the ship, Adra following close behind. She wondered if she would run into any of the other souls aboard the ship. They had spoken only a little, the Ashen was an odd one and judging from what she could sense from him he was always rippling with magic something that Asrai could only disapprove of in her head, the mord was oddly talkative and always trying to find time to talk to somebody and pester them about life, their captain was apparently a cold and suspicious women who always seemed as if she was waiting for one of her guest to try and stab her. Honestly Asrai would prefer if she didn't have to speak to anybody as it would just become tiresome quickly.