[b]Your pathetic armors are useless before us![/b] Abaddon swung his arms repeatedly at the sea creatures, unleashing volley after volley of dark magical spears upon their numbers. It didn't even matter if they hit their mark or not, all that he cared about was breaking up their formations to make it easier to pick them off. He was making progress, with some of the troops getting skewered and others scattering out of place for cover. Thasseldar could deal with the runaways... or rather he could have if it weren't for that giant goddamned sea serpent! That thing was getting to be a pain in the ass really really fast, and the longer it lived, the more destruction it caused. There was also the matter of those fish men with special abilities; they had mounted their counter attacks against him, firing off beams of energy and casting magic which exploded around him to ensure some damage was done even if he dodged it. Abaddon needed a new way to deal with these guys... "Oh, right, I can do that." What he was planning would surely instill chaos within their orders. Abaddon spread his claws apart from each other, a dark tear in space appearing in front of him as he did this. An increasingly loud buzzing noise could be heard from it. "Come, children of my swarm!" The moment he uttered these words, a dense swarm of demonic locusts came pouring forth from the portal. These were larger and much different than ordinary locusts (no shit), possessing scorpion tails, clawed feet, and vaguely humanoid faces with mouths lined with sharp teeth. With a ravenous hunger they flew towards their masters attackers, washing over them and obscuring them from vision. The fish men screamed in pain and terror as they were viciously stabbed, scratched, and bitten. "You know what's probably even scarier about these little guys," Abaddon laughed as he took to the skies to observe their work, "They can get bigger!" And that they could. Of course, Abaddon wouldn't release such monstrosities into the world for something as simple as this. Maybe a few, like three or four just to fuck with people, but never a full on swarm... ... The locusts continued to swarm over the advancing troops, Abaddon orchestrating their movements from above. Even the sea serpent was attacked, although it was not so easily brought down by the swarm. At the very least it was being hurt and distracted, giving Thasseldar an easier time to deal with it. Plus, the amount of sea creatures trying to overrun them was being lessened by the locusts, but even their numbers began to dwindle as the fish men began to vaporize them. Abaddon soon caught sight of Linia slashing furiously at attacking sea creatures. She was keeping them at bay, but it was only a matter of time before she got run over, and she looked to be getting hurt and winded the more she fought. "... He's a Realmswalker, he can handle himself. Locusts! Aid my ally!" With that Abaddon flew to Linia's location (which wasn't really too far away from where he was), taking a part of the swarm with him. Once there, he ordered them to attack the monsters there. Though this portion of locusts wasn't nearly as large enough as to overrun a large group, it was enough to help Linia get some breathing room. Abaddon himself landed on the ground and repeated what he had done earlier in the same situation, causing lightning to arc through their enemies' bodies. "Still think I'm here to kill you all?" He laughed.