[b][u]Storage bay of the Sundancer[/u][/b] A man sleeping in full armour has a few similarities to fighting hordes demons, as in both cases they're tasks widely associated with general foolishness and a lack of will to live. Also, they're both things Mords were simply forced to get used to, among plenty of other things. And also another similarity is that they both leave you pretty tired, but that last part didn't apply to Mords. Not when sleeping while wearing armour, anyway. Demon fighting always took a lot out of you. Gilbert blinked slowly, emerging from a groggy state. He slowly got off the floor, careful not to hit his head and got into a sitting position. He then stretched his stiff limbs, cursing his sleeping situation in his mind. Sleeping in armour for most of your life might make you get used to it, but it didn't change the fact that it was uncomfortable. Adding to the fact that he'd been sleeping in the cargo bay because the rooms weren't really big enough for him, Gilbert figured that even the most flexible person in the world wouldn't get out of the night without being in serious need of a winch to pull their limbs out of the dead lock. Gilbert's joints made some healthy cracking sounds, and he loosened up slightly. He let out a large yawn and decided to go up to the deck to get some air. Picking up the greatsword that lay next to him, he stuck it onto his back and got up. His head smashed into the roof but he recovered quickly and was on his way, head bowed to avoid the ceiling. Gilbert made progress through the ship, his armoured footsteps making quite loud noises as he ascended. He stepped quietly enough outside the cabin doors, in case others were around, and continued upwards through the ship. He saw another of the passengers at the observation deck and offered a short wave with one hand, stifling an onconveniently timed yawn with the other. He didn't know if the Eredvar noticed him or not, but it was highly unlikely that she didn't. Regardless, he grunted a greeting, still trying to shake off his sleepiness. [b][color=Gray]"Good morning!"[/color][/b] He said cheerfully, before continuing his walk. Normally, he'd probably make some light conversation with other passengers, and indeed, he'd tried on the first day. However, his fellow passengers proved to be less social than him and he found that the conversation couldn't be kept long enough for it to be amusing. Watching the outside held more promise but there was little else to do on the small ship. Well actually, it was quite large in the view of smaller people, but Mords were 2.5 meter tall colossi and they didn't normally fit well in the abodes of other species. Another thing that Mords just had to get used to. Gilbert didn't really mind, though. He liked people, and while they people on the ship were unsociable, he didn't think they were bad, so to speak. In fact, the captain of the ship had been so nice to let him on her ship so he could get into Juren. He was thinking about visiting but the country was in lock down for some reason, and he'd managed to hitch a ride with a reasonably trustworthy looking person for some of his money. Well, a lot of his money actually, but he didn't really need to hang on to it anyway, and she seemed trustworthy. In the back of his mind, there was an inkling of a thought about borders and legal stuff, but Gil was never good at that kind of thing so he payed it no mind. Gilbert continued to climb and found himself near the stern, where the captain usually spent her time. He paused for a minute and decided to say hello. He bent down slightly and knocked on the door 3 times. Two large clangs resonated and on the third knock, he accidentally forced the door to open with a small [i]bang[/i]. [b][color=gray]"Ah, whoops."[/color][/b] Gilbert said. Disregarding the door, he poked his head through the doorway and issued his greeting. [b][color=gray]"Hey, captain!"[/color][/b] He said cheerily. [b][color=gray]"What's it like in the skies today? Oh right, sorry about your door."[/color][/b]