[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e6/bd/aa/e6bdaaab96e1e0d8b13c67ecfc3f9794.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2]Name/Nicknames[/h2] Chase Amelio [h2]Race[/h2] Werewolf [h2]Age[/h2] 28 [h2][b]Appearance[/b][/h2] [h3][b]Human[/b][/h3] Chase stands tall at 6'3". He has a chiseled face often adorned with a light shadow. By nature, his dark hair, chin length, is straight but wild, a tangled and frustrating mess when unkempt. Chase has taken to oiling it down with gel and slicking it back, as stiff and neat as it will go. Even then it has been known to fall out of place, a sorry metaphor for his life. He has bright blue eyes, thick eyebrows, and a sharp nose. Chase is physically fit to an extent; his body is decorated with a few scars from his brief run with the Hunters. [h3][b]Werewolf[/b][/h3] Chase's lycan form is a tall, strapping creature, standing about two inches higher than his's human height. It's fur color are various shades of a creamy gold, dulled by overlaying hues of dark brown. [hider=Approximation of Chase's fur color][img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/19495867/large.jpg[/img][/hider] [h2]Personality[/h2] Chase has a gruff but friendly way to him. He is not easily trusted, though a good deal of it has to do with his job. He can be stubborn to the point where no amount of arguing can make him change his mind (next best solution would be to beat him senseless). He has a calm outer appearance, even when panicking, once again due to his job. Chase displays a good level of independence and leadership in the right situations, but as a man that prefers to stand back and watch events unfold, he will often give the leadership wheel to someone else, opting to work on his own. He's not adverse to partnerships or long standing friendships, but he's found they're hard to come by when you have a secret like his. It doesn't seem like a smart idea, letting just anyone into his personal life. He can be a charmer, and sometimes looses himself to the other pleasures life has to offer before getting back on track. As often as he enjoys friendship, Chase also revels in solitude. In a strange mix between the desire to socialize and the desire to strike out on his own and leave behind any and all problems, his or Santa Somabra's. As a child, Chase was known as a troublemaker, often sticking his nose where it didn't belong. Even up to today, he's been known to be a bit too inquisitive in places he shouldn't be. His excuse is "it's all a part of the job." [h2]Bio[/h2] Born and bred in Santa Somabra, Chase grew up in the rough hands of the city's life. Raised in a middle class family (albeit a struggling one) he counts himself among the blessed in this city, praising his hardworking parents for the ability to provide their children with comfortable housing and food to eat every day. For as long as Chase can remember, he's been investigating places he shouldn't. The nosey, trouble making child out of himself and his younger brother, he was the leader, neigh the catalyst for any and all adventures taken in childhood. If life was boring, Chase made it exciting. Days with his brother were spent at ease, running around the neighborhood exploring any and all nooks and crannies that were to be explored. Of course, lot of kids have their rebellious phases. Not all, but Chase was, unfortunately, not among those. For the early part his childhood, he remembers sticking closer to the inner parts of the city. Even his neighborhood was borderline skyscraper (poor people skyscrapers to be exact...so like tall, red brick apartment buildings). Remember all those adventures? They weren't without copious amounts of reprimanding from his parents about the danger of the city and the luck of their two children. But sometimes luck is not enough. To get straight to the point, a rebellious adventure at fifteen years old to the outskirts of the city left Chase with lycanthropy. Even today, he's not sure why it didn't kill him. He was small, scrawny, killable, edible if we're being frank. Easy prey. But it let him live. Chase likes to think it was an accident. Some poor wild uncontrollable beast out on a rampage. It had probably struck him in its fury and in that same fury, quickly forgotten the poor scraggly boy it had attacked. He kept it secret for as many months as he could. He would leave home for days to run as a man beast in the emptier parts of the cities. His temper spiked out of control in that time of depression and frustration. And life became a blur, a sad pattern of destruction and blood in the wake of whatever path he took. In those scary months of isolation, Chase was given an in depth look of the crime world of Santa Somabra, a world that had always loomed over his head. Crime was everywhere; the antics of the various gangs and organizations of Somabra had not escape his or anyone else's notice. But Chase had never experienced it. Adventurous as he was, his parents had kept a tight enough grip on his life to shelter him as much as they could from the very worse. But with some amount of freedom and his new "abilities," the reeking crime life of Santa Somabra began to unravel around him. For a small while, Chase stayed with the Hunters, living a somewhat vagabond life. During this time he lived a hectic and unhealthy life trying to balance some semblance of normal life with the savage killing sprees of the Hunters. Since leaving he has few, if any real, friends among them. In time, when he regained control of himself as a human, as an individual with personality and independence, Chase made the conscious decision to become a part of the crime fighting force in Santa Somabra. It seemed stupid and hard, the whole thing, and all the while he worked his way up, he would wonder for what reason he had chosen this life. Not to mention the fact that he seemed like a total hypocrite. No stranger to needless murder, his rise to detective status was almost ironic, if not, subtly corrupt. There were a variety of reasons he chose this life, some admirable, others not so much. A point to his moral compass for desiring to fight crime, at least to some degree, in Santa Somabra. But there were other benefits. Who would suspect a Santa Somabra detective to be a [i]werewolf[/i]? No one, that's who. Chase does his job admirably enough, sniffing out criminals (both figuratively and literally) to the best of his ability. Its perhaps wrong on his part that his effort will drop to 0% when he believes the criminals aren't worth the pursuing; crime bosses too big for the as of yet comparatively weak (and probably corrupt) SSPD to fight. And he's has his moments. He's no stranger to working with criminals to get what he wants. But it's all in a day's work anyway.[/center] [h2]Other[/h2] [list] [*]Chase lives alone in a surprisingly neat (thanks for the manners mom and dad) one bedroom apartment. The bachelor life is fun, kinda. [*]He has two mutts for pets. One big headed pitbull looking brindle pup, and an older black lab mix looking dog. They're illegal in the apartment, but surprisingly quiet, so all is good. [*]His brother is the only one that knows about his lycanthropy. His parents still live a blissful life in deceit. [/list] [hr] [hr] [center][img]http://img.comicbookresources.com/assets/images/features/lauren-beukes-explores-rapunzel-and-the-far-east-in-fairest.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2]Name[/h2] Charlize Johanssen [h2]Nickname(s)[/h2] Char(Shar), occasionally Charlie, and Jo by Chase [h2]Race[/h2] 3/4ths Human, 1/4th Nymph [i]*See Other*[/i] [h2]Age[/h2] 23 [h2][b]Appearance[/b][/h2] Charlize stands just a little above average at 5'5" tall. As described by Chase, she has "Long blonde hair, short eyelashes, neat eyebrows, medium lips, nose a little on the pointy side, and big, big, blue eyes." [h2]Personality[/h2] Charlize, or Johanssen as Chase prefers, has undergone very few personality changes since being taken under the werewolf's metaphorical wing, though the add-on traits she's drawn from Chase are noticeable to those who know her well. Her basic moral principles have all stayed the same, and continue to drive Johanssen to her goals today. Johanssen maintains the same sweet and loving personality she had before joining the force. She is a sympathetic kind of gal, who often tries to turn a blind eye to race in favor of offering her condolences to those who want it, and pitying those who need it. Johanssen is cautious, intelligent, and level-headed; always has been. However, time spent with Chase [i]has[/i] changed her. As the werewolf detective as taken note of, Johassen has become more feisty, more confrontational. Still, she (and her bravery) have their limits. Unless you're Chase, family, or a beloved significant other, don't expect Johanssen to stick by your side if things get too rough. If you're worth less than them, she'll leave you in the dust, [i]if[/i] she know she can't help you. She'll try her best, but once it seems futile, she's out. It seems to contradict her personality, but everyone has their limits and the intelligent woman knows when she reaches her. [h2]Bio[/h2] Johanssen's mother is a vampire. No biggie. Really, it never has been. Now, how'd she turn? A gang attack. The Nyte Kyngs. About three months after Johanssen was born. Her mother managed to survive the attack You can then understand why she tries her very best to be undiscriminating of race. For twelve years, Johanssen grew up in total innocence of her mother's vampirism. And while it surely put a strain on her parent's relationship (who got happily separated when Johanssen was twelve, the year her mother came out to her as a vampire) Johanssen lived a blissful life not knowing what her mother was. Johanssen's proud to say her parents got along swimmingly in her childhood, affording her the most normal childhood life possible. Twelve years (when they divorced) and onward was rocky for a small while, but her parents kept in touch, and eventually things smoothed themselves out. Johanssen, who ended up living with her father, his sweet new wife, and a half-sibling or two, continued to feel relatively normal. Occasional visits with her mother and frequent phone calls kept their relationship alive and loving. Johanssen passed through all of this without ever batting an eye at the supernatural. Her mother's "condition" remained an undiscussed topic as she grew up, something subtly avoided. Johanssen continued to treat her normally, and big distinctions due to race never arose. Its the reason she doens't emphasize race. Having a vampire for a biological mother never quite impacted her the way people would probably conventionally believe it would. Her parents ended things when they did at a great time, and their relationship with her stayed smooth, all in all resulting in adult woman with little bitterness to either parent, and little bitterness to the race which caused their seperation. She tells very few people of her mother, and treats their reactions as blase as possible. Though few is not an exaggeration. Not even Chase knows, and they've become close. Speaking of Chase. Johanssen joined the force after college. A fresh undergrad graduate with a bachelor's degree in psychology, it became quickly obvious to Johanssen that she could not afford grad school. The SSPD is sometimes short on staff. The cops around Santa Somabra aren't trusted, and lots of people end up not wanting to be cops either way. It's not worth the gang tussles. A shorthanded staff and a need for intelligent people lead Johanssen straight to the precinct. Physically fit and smart, her application as a detective was quickly accepted. Academy training was sometimes strenuous, having to earn her criminal justice credits and all, but passable. Soon, she found herself as Chase's junior detective. It caused a bit of upset. There are other cops in the force who work hard with the intention of being granted the right to call themselves detectives. Johanssen's flashy degree, undergrad as it was, was still more than enough to have her fly by cops who had chosen to forgo college in favor of joining the force. This should be the end of the bio, but her relationship with Chase is worth noting. They've spent nearly a year together, and have come to rely on one another heavily. While still not privy to every detail of each others' lives(vampire mother, Chase being a werewolf), their relationship is building at a steady and healthy pace and Johanssen considers him one of her closest friends. They really are turning into a dynamic duo of sorts, and help to keep each other in check. Chase likes to compare their relationship to a father-daughter relationship (though sometimes corrects himself), but Johanssen thinks of them more as siblings. She knows somethings up with him, but everyone has their skeletons (the lord knows she does) and so she doesn't pester him about it. If things continue to go well between them, she's sure they'll be spilling secrets to each other soon. [/center] [h2]Other[/h2] [list][*]Johanssen coincidentally lives in the same apartment as Chase, on the same floor as him too, though her apartment is at the end of hall, two doors away from his. They live on the second floor. [*]She has her license, but can't afford a car of her own. She kind of wishes her mom would be merciful and loan her the money for one, but she's not about to ask. [*]From her father's side (her paternal grandmother), Johanssen is 1/4th nymph. What this denotes for Johanssen is the ability to [i]charm[/i] people. The supernatural charm is perhaps not as severally magical as a pureblooded nymph. The charm is not, like, a lusty, sort of seductive thing, but instead she is just [i]charming[/i]. It does, however, work better on those who are attracted to her gender. People, weather they find her attractive or otherwise, find her presence to be calming as well as uplifting. It can cause weird affects, essentially on people who hate or are fighting her; they would feel somewhat compelled to like her, whilst also wanting to kill her, forming conflicting emotions. It can also produced weird feelings in those who are already negatively emotionally compromised; feelings of anger, and sadness can turn into confused frustration as the client to her supernatural charm tries to fight off the urge to be clam, happy, and enchanted with her. This charm, however, is clearly a part of the reason Chase gravitates to Johanssen so much. He keeps her calm and levelheaded.[/list]