Thasseldar looked as Abaddon went off to another section of the city. "Wonderful. Serpant and crew, coming right up..." by now, they were just down the block and rapidly approaching the lone figure on the road. [i]There is... one thing...[/i] He attempted to telepathically communicate with Abaddon. It worked one way in that Thasseldar did not have the ability naturally, but someone such as Abaddon would pick it up. Hopefully. [i]I would like for you to create an invisible, linkless portal directly in front of the largest cluster of enemies you are engaged with facing in their direction. I'll do the rest.[/i] With that in mind, Thasseldar created a portal just as he described in front of him. The difficulty could come if Abaddon didn't create a portal in his section, because what he was about to do counted on good timing and possibly luck. If it failed, well, he would have to redirect the link to some desolate part of the sea before he was crushed by the bodies that would make it through the empty space before it was active...