[@ArenaSnow] Abaddon picked up Thasseldar's message as he fought. A linkless portal huh? Abaddon didn't even know if he could create such a thing as he had only ever used portals to travel to Sheol and other dimensions. He attempted it, only for the head of a fully grown demon locust to emerge and attempt to crawl its way out. He ordered it back immediately and closed the rift. "Well that worked well..." Maybe there was one thing that could still be done to put Thasseldar's plan into motion. Abaddon scanned the rooftops for Shiro and spotted him acting as support from above. Hopefully the teleporter would listen and not just think he was there to continue their fight. [@thewizardguy] "You, an ally of mine has a plan for dealing with the battalions en masse. He needs you to create an 'invisible, linkless portal' before the largest group of soldiers there is! Hurry, he doesn't have much time."