[color=D2691E] Rorngar looked back a little awkwardly, first turning the wrong direction before facing the follower. "Aye, no problem... no problem..." he said with a half-wave before turning back and continuing to walk towards the city. He could see the tops in the distance, helped by the good weather of course, as there was still a little ways to go yet. He trekked onward, humming the tune some more. [/color] [hr] [color=red] Kozmar noticed the arrival of Gabelle. He had a mixed opinion of her; although she didn't adhere to the rather silly rules of the so-called leadership, he had caught her with a human once. Disgusting, really. The fact that the human didn't last very long was the only saving grace. "All pawns, in the end." he muttered, walking up to a ledge, with the vast forest ahead. He could have flown over, but between the ever rising threat of visual - he didn't quite want to be seen at this stage - and Mason being more or less a toxic fume when carried, he would have to walk. He brooded as he thought about the past... the future... the world. [/color]