Eh, not surprised several people are leaving. although just so we're clear, this has nothing to do with you guys. i actually fucked up pretty severely putting things together. Last night, while trying to polish out a couple minor details, i realized that my entire basis was severely and fundamentally flawed. I didn't screen characters as well as I should have, I left too much of a gap in information by trying to be all cryptic-like, didn't check to make sure all of the players were able to post at roughly the same rate. tl;dr: My intention with rebooting is to get things a bit more consistent and organized, and it is entirely my own fault that it's necessary. I've also employed a couple co-GM's who are [s]a bit[/s] infinitely more sympathetic than I am when dealing with player interaction. I honestly understand why you'd be mad at me, and don't blame you for it. I can be kind of an asshole at times, and I do get pretty damned condescending. I don't mean anything by it though, it just sort of happens. This is not technically my first time GM-ing, but I was never very good at it, and it's been about 3 years since. which is why I'm getting a couple of people who are more patient to help me with it. Have fun out there in the guild, guys. sorry for being such a colossal douche.