(GREG!) [@AbysmalDemon] Greg was far from his owner at the moment. He noticed what seemed to be a group of travelers from above and flew down to them, he messed up his landing though and ended up flying right into a small dragon like creature, giving a caw as he ran into the creature. --------------------------------------- Lance meanwhile continued to tell his stories, getting more and more drunk, eventually he started to talk to what seemed like no one in particular. "Ey! You people up there looking down at us! Yeah you! Bring some of the main players here to play would you?! I be getting bored here!" Lance yelled at the ceiling, many of the others in the pub looking at him like he was crazy. ((The fourth wall has been cracked)) ----------------------------------------------------- [@ArenaSnow] Gibelle gave a wink to Mason as she started to head towards the woods herself. Four of her royal guards were waiting for her there, all of them were velociraptor like creatures, each of them waiting, and even cooing at Kozmar if he got too close. In truth if Gibelle took on her dragon form she would be too larger and would stick out of the trees like a sore thumb, it was easier for her to move in her human form anyways, she would only take on her dragon form if she needed to battle.