[@thewizardguy] Cool, I've been playing for about 3 years now, though I only started playing more "legitimate" decks around a year and a half ago. It's funny how you mention Atlanteans considering how one of my preferred decks is Fire Kings. According to the lore for the two, they're at war with each other since the Atlanteans want to take over Fire King Island. I'd say that the Lswarm archetype (Evilswarm and Steelswarm) is my main and favorite deck. The deck can be rather explosive when it goes off right. If you ever want to duel my DN Account is Kreinbahthur. I've also got YGOPro if you prefer to use that. [@Cuccoruler] Don't worry, we're just talking card game talk ^^. But basically, the Gishkis are pretty much what Wiz described in his last paragraph. They're a tribe of underwater dwellers who are aided by sea creatures and have access to powerful, ritualistic magic that turns them into more powerful monsters.