[@ToadRopes] Are you going to be able to post soon? Screw it. Tentacle time. [hider=Doctor Tobias Wright] [u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT] Dr.Tobias Wright[/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT]Toby, Dr.Wright, Kraken, The Floppy-Floppy Spider of the Deep[/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Male [/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]45[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]5’6”[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]100 lbs (having no bones makes one quite lightweight)[/INDENT] [b]Home District:[/b] [INDENT]He’s in Mendel on a business trip. Unfortunately for him, he’s staying on Rosalina Isle.[/INDENT] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]NA[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]His eye is not like a human eye. It resembles that of an octopus’ eye, Tobias’ eyes are shaped like that of an octopus’ eyes, with a gold-and-orange white surrounding a long, elliptical pupil facing horizontally (if that didn’t make sense, google it). [/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]Um...octopus…?[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]Tobias Wright exists as a vaguely humanoid shape standing at about 5’6” and weighing around 100 lbs. In his base form, Tobias looks pretty much like an octopus/human hybrid. His limbs (all six of them) and torso have very little muscle definition, and are generally skinny, and for a cephalopod looks slightly overweight, with a pot belly. He has no evidence of any joints or bones anywhere in his body. His arms come down to points like tentacles, and the back side of the part where the hands would be is covered in suction cups. He has three pairs of these arms, each pair set slightly below the pair above them. His legs are much thicker than his arms and end with the same type of suction cup foot. Having no bones, Tobias has sh*t posture. He appears as if he’s being held up by marionette strings, sometime leaning forwards and sometimes backwards. His head is the oddest part of his body, with aspects of both a man and an octopus. It stems from an average-sized thick neck that looks more muscular than his arms. His face is flat and tall, with a curved forehead. He has a human-looking mouth and a rounded jaw line that sags slightly (due to his lack of bones). His teeth are black in color, and are pointed like an octopus’ beak. He has twenty teeth, with ten on the top and ten on the bottom. They are the only hard parts of his entire body. Tobias’ eyes are shaped like that of an octopus’ eyes, with a gold-and-orange white surrounding a long, elliptical pupil facing horizontally (if that didn’t make sense, google it). They are in relatively the same position on his face as human eyes. His nose is like a snake’s, a slight bump with two vertical slits. Tobias’ brain is held in a sack that looks like an octopus’ mantle that sags from the back of his head. His ears exist as two slits on either side of the base of the mantle. Toby’s voice is...odd, to say in the least. His voice is very muffled, and he has a rather obvious lisp (because his teeth are no longer human-shaped). [/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]Nerd chic. Toby always dresses somewhat-formally. Khakis are a staple of his wardrobe, and his shirt is usually some sort of Oxford-style short-sleeved shirt with a plaid or striped design. Toby has a special tailor in town who makes him his shirts, so they’re six-armed (he really hates when they get ripped because they’re expensive). He doesn’t wear shoes because he can’t walk with them on. When in the lab, Toby wears a lab coat. The coat does not have six arms, and so four of them protrude from the inside of the coat. [/INDENT] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT]Tobias is a brainchild. He is incredibly intelligent, and has just enough common sense to keep himself from looking like a total moron (emphasis on total). He is one of those people who talksextremelquicklyandseemstogiveyoucompleteandtotalinformationoverloadwheneveryoutrytoaskhimaquestion. He’s one of those people who loves to hear himself talk. He is very prideful due to his advanced intellect, and doesn’t mind showing off. Toby certainly fits the “intellectual bully” archetype, often reminding those students who act cocky in his class that he is the boss and that they could only wish to be as smart as he is. In a way, Tobias compensates for his hideousness with his intellect. He has a special grudge for attractive people, and often acts very rudely towards them. One could not describe Toby as lazy,per-say, but he certainly will take a computer over handwork any day. He is rather self-conscious, and avoids looking into mirrors. When he’s near someone who he likes (like, romantically) he will retreat his tentacles into his shirt to make himself look less freakish. He is also rather socially awkward, possessing few social graces. Many people find him to be incredibly annoying at times. He has a fear of lampreys (because they’re f*cking weird) as well as trypophobia; the fear of clusters of small holes (don’t look it up. It transfers electronically. I’m not joking). [/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT] Tobias once wanted to be a marine biologist, and still has an interest in aquatic life. He owns a massive aquarium in his room at the academy, and also has a smaller fish tank in his office which contains sea anemones and various saltwater fish. He has a thing for Rubik’s cubes, and keeps a collection of them on a shelf near his desk in his office. He likes to read, especially science journals and science fiction. His favorite book is Brave New World, though a close second is Jurassic Park by Michael Creighton. Television-wise, he watches a lot of BBC and Animal Planet. Planet Earth is his favorite show to watch, though he also likes Mythbusters. His favorite movie is Star Wars (he is a huge Star Wars nerd). He loves sushi and Chinese food. [/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]You’d be hard-pressed to find a man smarter than Tobias Wright, at least in his fields of expertise (biology, genetics, and mathematics). Partially due to his abilities, he has an IQ of 240. He is a chess grandmaster, and holds the world record for Rubik’s cube solving. [/INDENT] [b]Prized Possession:[/b] [INDENT]His Research[/INDENT] [b]Quote(s):[/b] [INDENT] “Did somebody say ‘superbrain’?” “Oh, so you wanna know about DNA, huh? Well the story of DNA is interesting. It started in the early 20th century when…”[/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [INDENT]Tobias Wright was born in Washington DC. As soon as he was born, he looked...different. Toby was born with transparent skin and octopus-like eyes, a partial manifestation of his extreme genetic mutation in his structural chromosomes. Doctors at the time of his birth didn’t completely understand metahumans, and so while they knew that he was one, they didn’t really know how to treat him. Because of this, Toby’s childhood was filled with a long litany of doctor’s visits and treatments for diseases that he never had. Unluckily, Toby’s father was a very rich doctor, and so his son got the best in unnecessary medical treatments. When Toby was five, his arms began to turn into tentacles, and his father had him treated for muscular dystrophy. At age seven, when his other arms began to sprout, his father tried to have the arms removed. This failed, and soon Toby Wright was a nice young octopus child. His father was horrified, especially when his son’s skeleton began to dissolve. Toby’s father, being a bigshot in the Mendel medical community, decided to send Toby to a boarding school when he turned thirteen, and so Toby went off to an Academy in Maine, where he learned how to use his powers and cultivated his sharp mind. He developed an anger against his father, and vowed to never have to rely on him for anything. Toby got into college himself, via a full ride to Stanford. Between there and Hopkins, he obtained multiple PhDs in biology, biochemistry, and genetics. At age 26, he moved to Verthaven, where he took up a job with Intelligent Defense Systems. He worked well there, and helped make a lot of advancements to NEST’s tactics for dealing with metahumans. Fighting crime, however, was not Toby’s favorite thing. While not everything that IDS did was NEST-tailored, a lot of it was, and he got sick of it quickly. So he quit and went to work at Mendel University, where he took up a position as a professor of genetics. In the course of four years, he practically made the school the academic powerhouse that it is today, and opened the Wright Institute, a special program for academically-talented metahumans. Through fundraisers and the millions of dollars left to Toby by his father when he died, the Institute set up an endowment and began recruiting Wright Scholars, the best of the best as far as metahuman minds went. Together, the Institute did great things, and when gang tensions in the city began to rise, Toby opened Darwin Academy, a partnership between the US Government’s metahuman academy program and the Wright Institute. The Academy got metas off of the streets in Mendel and helped to reduce the crime rate (even though they could not stop the gang war). To this day, The Wright Institute and Darwin Academy are shining lights in the poverty-stricken city of Mendel, and they train dozens of metas each year. Currently, the Wright Institute is working on a chemical derivative of Serum 17 which could be used as a power suppressant for metas whose powers cause them severe pain. Their primary patient is a student named Enrique, whose head is filled constantly with screaming. They have yet to succeed in curing him, however. Dr.Wright went to Verthaven to receive an award from NEST for services to the Metahuman community, but before he could receive it, the Fiends attacked. [/INDENT] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT] Alan Wright: Father - deceased Karen Wright: Mother Katrina Wright: Sister [/INDENT] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b][/b] | [b][/b] | [b][/b] | [i]""[/i] | [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT] Cerebral/super system [/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [INDENT]Tobias has the powers of the mystical floppy-floppy spider of the deep, the octopus. Firstly, he is an invertebrate, which is both a strength and a weakness. It is a strength because it allows Tobias to be able to fit through any hole larger than his teeth (he can fold them up to fit through things) and makes him extremely strong, as his limbs are made almost entirely of muscle. It is a weakness, however, because without bones, Tobias has no way to protect his organs from damage (although he does have bands of muscle around his vital organs that provide him with some protection, though this isn’t as good of protection as a skull or rib cage would grant). Secondly, Tobias is a color magician. His skin is packed with chromatophores, cells that can control the release of pigment. Because of these cells, Tobias has the ability to change his color to match any background almost perfectly. His invertebrate nature also allows him to change his shape and texture, making him extremely good at camouflage. The more he studies an object, the better he is able to camouflage as it. Certain structures like ivy, garbage bags, and brick walls he has mastered, and can become almost indistinguishable in most urban environments. His hands are another vital ability. The suction cups allow him to scale walls and other flat objects with relative ease. Each suction cup can rotate and grasp independently, and can taste/smell what they touch. Because of his powerful eyes, Tobias can see infrared light, giving him a sort of thermal vision. He can pick out people hiding with ease (although this sense is thwarted by large amounts of plants or animals). He has the ability to breathe underwater. Toby is incredibly intelligent as well, with an iQ of 240. He has mastered all forms of mathematics and is a master geneticist and biologist, able to identify many organisms solely by analyzing their genetic code. [/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]Toby has to keep his body hydrated in order to stay alive, so he is constantly taking baths and drinking water. He dehydrates very quickly, so imprisoning him without water is an almost surefire way to defeat him. [/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT]Due to the shape and small size of his ears, Tobias has poor hearing. He is now something of a glass cannon-without bones to absorb the impact of blows and protect his internal organs. Tobias is in danger of severe harm even from blunt trauma or what were before minor wounds. Toby’s camouflage is great for things like trash bags and ivy hangs which are pretty much just formless blobs, but he cannot take more exact forms like a desk or statue, so he needs to be very creative with his hiding abilities. In addition to this, Toby’s octopus nature has changed his blood from relying on hemoglobin to transport oxygen: he will find himself less efficient in warmer environments, particularly out of the water. In the cold and the wet, he will excel, but otherwise, he may find himself drawing short of breath or getting light-headed if he overexerts himself. Toby generally has poor cardiovascular endurance. Toby is extra sensitive to pain as well, due to the sensory organs in his tentacles. Punching Toby in the suction cup is akin to hitting someone’s funny bone. Lastly, and most importantly, is his lifespan. The octopus in real life lives a rather short lifespan dedicated to breeding. Once they mate, they die. Because of this, octopi age very quickly. So does Tobias; Toby’s cells age very quickly, shortening his lifespan. Because of this, Tobias probably will not live very long. He calculates that he has maybe ten years of his life left if he cannot find a way to slow his aging process, which is what he is currently working on in his lab. He’s not far off, but he still needs considerable work to create a serum that will save his life. [/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT] [hider][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st8-EY71K84[/youtube][/hider] [/INDENT] [b][u]Sample Post:[/u][/b] [INDENT][/INDENT] [/hider]