[color=lightgreen]Jess apologized to Ryan for texting Adelisa her drawing as she explained that she had to send it to her friend before she forgot.[/color] You want to see it? I have my sketchbook with me.[color=lightgreen]Jess takes her sketchbook and hands it to Ryan.[/color] Feel free to look at the others too. [url]http://s981.photobucket.com/user/sciencelover19/slideshow/RP%20SKETCHBOOK?sort=3[/url] Anyway yeah I think it would be cool if we swapped necklaces. Just for fun I mean, and we would be more inclined to take care of each other's necklace, or is it a pendant?[color=lightgreen]Jess started thinking about the consequences that could occur to both of them if they did swap.[/color] Maybe we shouldn't trade them because we could get into some trouble. I mean say you where walking somewhere with my necklace and passed someone with a purple necklace who believed in the thing? Then we would have to explain and they would get upset and we would feel guilty. Who needs all of that mess? [color=lightgreen]Jess did truly like Ryan's necklace though, and thought it would look nice on Ryan.[/color] Yours is really nice too. It has a subtle and hidden beauty that emits a glow due to the inability to break free, or something of that nature. I think I am with you in disbelief of the gem's magic. Oh and Rex is more loyal too you. He gives you the birds because they are larger and harder to hunt down than the easy but large rats. So he gives you the ultimate prize, which is the birds, because you are his main master, and the most important. He gives me the rats from our houses because I am second in command. Get what I mean?