[color=ed1c24][b]"That would be me lass. Don't know about you but I would rather not see act two of the [i]'fuck you, no fuck you'[/I] chronicles."[/b][/color] Paxton said with a slight chuckle as he stepped towards the massive stone doorway. He took in a deep breath, enjoying the smell of fresh air for a moment longer before he started down the stairs. [color=ed1c24][b]"Did I ever tell you all the story of the last time I was in the deep roads? Had to spend about five weeks down here living off of Deepstalker meat and what little water I could find. I was hiding out from some rather persistent Templars, the blighters tracked me for months. I have to say it was not that bad of a stay honestly, well the beds were a bit lumpy then again they were made of rocks."[/b][/color] The mage rattled off in a jolly tone as he continued down the steps, becoming more and more engulfed in the darkness of the Deeproads. [color=ed1c24][b]"Anytime you want to bring that light of yours lass would be simply grand."[/b][/color] He called back eventually.