His counter combo rocked his opponent hard enough that Tre'Yan could feel the impact in each fist. Especially the left. The thud they caused was sickening, but a professional boxer had no time to celebrate momentary hits unless victory was assured. The punches he connected with would have felled a lesser man, perhaps ripped his neck from his head, but for Cho - no, it knocked him back an inch or so, spun him around, and dropped him on his face. His assassin was no normal man. Tre'Yan would have to keep up the pressure. Hands already back in position, he watched as Cho shook his head and made it back to his feet. Tre'Yan granted him that, the man was tough. He let him get back to his feet. It was the training. The professional boxer noted that his opponent switched the knife to a forward grip. The backhand must have been detrimental to him, so a forehand grip would provide more of a tactical advantage. As a T'Mass he had seen many different types of combat, and forward grip was always preferred. He went back to the bouncing, forward and back, waiting for another opening. Now, as a boxer, two things were true. You don't throw kicks, so you don't expect them to be thrown, and you, as a rule, can't fight on the ground. Not enough torque for punches. So, when his opponent went for a kick, it didn't phase Tre'Yan at first. No way he was going to throw a kick, couldn't be possible. And then, he went and did it again, and Tre'Yan fell for it hook, line, and sinker. He immediately crouched down, adopting what he referred to his 'ground' game, which was basically, his ability to crouch and fight low. He had seen it on a video game called 'Tekken', being utilized by a man named Steve. His low crouch set his left guard, and brought his left leg back, as his opponent shot forward, aiming to slash his left ankle. The guard somewhat served its purpose, blocking the majority of the strike, the blade cutting along a smaller portion of his arm than anticipated. It burned like hell, what the hell was that? He had been cut before but this was something different, it felt wrong. Tre'Yan quickly pushed himself away, latching is right arm immediately to his left to try and ease the pain. As a dead man, his blood didn't flow, but the cut showed no signs of actually caring. He flexed his arm, still holding it - and it hurt, he had to do everything to fight the urge to scream out in pain. That knife in his hand was dangerous, if it had of managed a better cut on the arm, or its intended target, he would have been in a percarious situation, and worst still, if he survived, he would have been in no condition to fight in his scheduled fight against Evvie. He gritted his teeth, [color=39b54a][b]"Damn it,"[/b][/color] he said, looking across at his opponent. Stay away from the knife. End this quick. He needed to use his Sunday Punch, the Right Hook, he killed Dyayun with.