Shiro glared at the demon that had appeared behind him. He had been offhandedly observing Abbadon's actions from afar, but he hadn't the concentration to do so with any regularity. From what he'd seen, however, the demon appeared to be fighting on their side. Whatever the reason behind this, it didn't sit well with Shiro. The idea that a demon would act in an altruistic manner contradicted everything the veteran knew, and he certainly didn't like surprises. "I don't know how to create any such thing. If you haven't noticed, my portals are very much linked, and ususally quite visible." Shiro was half tempted to tell the demon to go tell it's pal where it could stuff it's portal. But there were too many lives at stake here for him to give voice to what his stubborn pride demanded. He would investigate this issue later, when there was less urgency. "What are you trying to do? I might be able to help." The question wasn't posed to Abbadon, but rather at Tasseldar. A portal had opened next to Shiro's mouth, and he was using it much like a phone. Projecting his voice across long distances.