It was quite a long and eventful day. Between having had no sleep the previous night, half of the party he had recent acquainted himself with going off to who-knows-where on what was apparent to be a mission to willingly swan dive into the dragon's maws - the merchant had little sympathy for the fools - and then they were suddenly surrounded by bandits, with the foolish knight sacrificing his life so that the others may flee. Foolish, certainly; Arastoph definitely would not have done the same, but he appreciated the act as it allowed him to live another day. However, that extra day comprised him of hiking through rough terrain to get to the next town over while he was sleep deprived. While he still detested the idea of sleeping among strangers, he felt that his body might win out this time around. He had no interest in talking with any of those who were left; he was too exhausted and irritable for him to be so patient with them. The boy, however, still seemed to have plenty of energy left to harass the seer girl as she began to wander off. "However you look at it," he began to explain, "every man and woman is a sinner. Some sin less, some sin more, some are better at hiding it." Arastoph sighed and closed his eyes just as a cool breeze blew by and soothed his hot skin and aching muscles. "Carver is probably dead and will be suffering eternal damnation. We can just hope he's being tortured by two hundred ninety-nine pitchforks instead of [i]three [/i]hundred."