[quote=@Daird] Rebecca's eyebrows shot up when Gabriel spoke. "Wait a minute. You're [i]cursed?[/i] If you give me some details, I could try to lift it. As for the whole wicked part, I wouldn't be surprised if I already have that reputation. Kinda comes with the territory of being a Mortifero witch." She took a bite of her pancakes and waited for him to respond. If it really was a curse, she had to at least try to break it. Might get rid of the stereotype of Mortiferos being alone in the basement surrounded by blood, skulls, and corpses. [/quote] Gabriel watched her carefully and when she mentioned wanting to know more about his curse it lifted his heart some, here was someone who truly wished to help others. Gabriel smiled a tiny bit, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to confuse you...I'm not cursed...at least not in the way of magic..." He pulled up his sleeve on his right arm, "I'm cursed by birth..." Gabriel allowed his arm to slowly shift until it was black and covered in beautiful black Draconic scales and sharpened claws that could shred through armor, "I am a Black Dragon..." He looked her in the eyes, "An abomination to nature..." He let his arm go back to normal, "But...if that doesn't bother you... Its been a while since I had someone to talk with during breakfast..." [@Daird]