[@Weird Tales][@SimplyJohn] Didn't usually sit, only simulated if she was sitting or laying most of the time, only actually laying on something, like a bed, if she was sleeping. Impulse was close to the door, perched up towards the ceiling as she watched everything. When it was time for the members to speak their concerns or questions, she raised her hand, trying to get all the attention. "Oh! Oh! Me, me! Question! This is a simulation, right? Okay, well, that'll make it a bit of a problem, but I have an idea!" She turned her head to look at the metal man, "Mr. Meltdown, riiiight? Well... this is a serious question as it might affect you... maybe it'll affect old biker beard too but yeah... my powers are quite limited to mostly big stuff... and I can do something but it might have an issue with you or your friend, and the biker dude. I can create a Chaos Storm... and depending if the base has any particular type of shielding... well if it doesn't, I can short circuit all their electronics. Like, no defenses, turrets, security systems, yadda yadda... though electronic doors like bulk heads and safety doors, and other electronic mechanisms will become a real hassle... and I don't know your friends type of electrical systems, or if it would affect you, or biker dudes... bike." She pulled her handsin, crossing them as she thought for a moment. "There's also a chance it'll create tornadoes, but pssh... that's completely ultra rare like that'd ever happen... hehehe" She waved her hand off in the crossed pattern as if to forget about it. "There's just one very big issue if we do this... Each of the few big things I can do, I can only do once, like once a day. So we can't really fail it. Otherwise we'd have to go with another plan. Though I don't think my Chaos Storm would be seen as an attack, more weirdly natural. I don't use technology, my powers are of a divine entity. So stealth is still an option, it also would keep baddies locked in places we don't need to go, hehe! Whadoya think?"