[B]ASSW's NAME:[/b] Francisca [B]GENDER:[/b] Unit identifies as female, and makes a note to remind people of it constantly. Its jokes about identifying as a tri-gendered pyrofoxkin, however, should not be taken seriously. [B]ARCANA:[/b] The Tower [b]AGE:[/b] 377 days, 10 hours, 14 minutes, 22 seconds [B]ASSW's CIVILIAN MODE:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/1xHyw3T.png[/img] The unit's external appearance is that of an unassuming brunette. She is often seen wearing a blue track jacket and black streamlined leggings, complete with matching high-cuffed Converse sneakers. By all appearances, she is indistinguishable from her human peers with the exception of her stark teal eyes. Her complexion is warm, but apparently lacking exposure to sunlight, giving her a rather light skin shade. Of course, the unit's anatomy differs from humans, and her sheer amount of clothing are what hides away her more mechanical carapace. All of her limbs and their segments are able to rotate 360 degrees, possibly a function installed to enable it to right itself after a fall or an accident. As such, her arms and legs, and even fingers, are segmented at their joints. Her preference for clothes that hide her entire physique is most revealing, ironically, about her nature. It has already come to the attention of her peers that she enjoys wearing gloves even in the warmest of weathers. Her exact height is 5'6". [B]ASSW's COMBAT MODE:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/cNvkqZh.png[/img] The unit lacks an actual combat 'mode' in terms of appearance, so to speak. When engaging a hostile, she merely releases inhibitors on her physical self, and her outward appearances changes little, besides the occasional release of steam from underneath her jacket. When not handling weapons that would normally cripple a regular human being, she boasts the capability to break walls with a single punch. The unit has not been programmed with any martial arts skills, practical or theory, and seems to function with a rather pragmatic approach to combat akin to what most would term 'street brawling' in close quarters situations. [B]PERSONALITY:[/b] An ego. That was what one required to bring out their Persona, their inner self. That was the original intent of creating an ASSW. And over the years, technology improved to the point that an AI could learn and develop its own directives through exposure to their surroundings. Unit Francisca was one such ASSW installed with said AI. Created and directly inserted into human society immediately after performance tests, the unit was expected to mingle with its human peers more easily than its siblings. With an original directive of "approachable", Francisca has been observed to make 'friends' extremely easily by catering to humor within a group. Through studying the habits of her peers, she has conformed to the behaviour of what can be referred to as 'a deadpan snarker'. As a matter of fact, her behavioural patterns are more akin to a human's as of late, having learned human speech patterns to mimic emotions to near perfect standards. It has also attempted to flirt with male teenagers about the age of 16 to 19, though it goes through a temporary shut down when it does get reciprocated, much to the amusement of its observers. Its attempts to flirt with females have also caused similar problems, to both its chagrin and its observers' humor. It seems as if it has yet to learn how to further a relationship. It seems intent on holding a "Babe/Hunk Hunt" just to study its peers. Of course, an intelligent system such as the unit's wouldn't be without problems. Its self-awareness has brought about some form of cynicism. Francisca has exhibited some form of toxic scorn for its creators, and mocks its siblings far too often for it to be a jest. The unit's self-depreciation around those who have knowledge about its true disposition is more than enough to inform others that it is not entirely satisfied with its current status. It never does say it outright, however, but its lamentations are duly noted by its observers. More astute observers have found similarities between Francisca's behaviour and the tale of Pinocchio, namely their wants to be human. Its insistence and complaints headed towards HR about not receiving the latest fashion or having a mobile phone like her human peers have also been duly noted, and the former has been provided (with the unit's 'advice' that is). The request for the latter has been revoked, since the unit 'doesn't need a goddamn phone. It's got bloody built-in receivers, for god's sake!'. HR remarks that the unit's insistence to be as human as possible as 'rather creepy'. Combat-wise, the unit has the mentality of, and as quoted, 'beat the shit out of them the first time so they don't get up a second time'. Its primary objective of 'combat Shadows' is often lumped in with this secondary directive. Observers have noted that she does indeed 'beat the shit out of' her intended targets, so much so that it poses a threat to others around her as she was not programmed with inhibiting use of weapons. [B]WEAPON TYPE:[/B] The unit lacks a specific weapon, and instead relies on several firearms in combat as well as brute force. When deployed, it often drags along with it a huge arsenal of armaments, ranging from small arms fire such as a Vector SMG, to high-powered rifles, such as its custom-made anti-materiel rifle, fashioned to resemble an SVD, to explosive arms, like RPGs. Wholesale destruction of a target is its modus operandi. [B]PERSONA PROGRAM:[/B] Klytaimnestra A tall, white creature resembling a feminine figure decked in an armored dress. Its 'face' is featureless, framed only by what seems to be a shorter version of Francisca's hair. It holds, in both hands, twin throwing axes with the roman numeral 'I' carved on them. It does not seem to have legs and hovers above ground with the skirt of its dress constantly revolving. [B]PERSONA APPLICATIONS: [/B] -Mudo -Twin Slash -Kill Rush [B]ASSW UNIT ABILITY: [/B] Opsidio Mode: The unit is able to anchor herself to the ground through struts that extend from her back, the only mechanical addition to her body. The struts dig deep into the ground underneath her, and hold her in place, restricting her to a crouching position. In this mode, her audio and visual receivers quadruple in quality, allowing her to hear and see things from several times the usual limitations of her siblings. It does not cause much overheat or stress on the unit, but its mobility is severely restricted. When attempting to reposition, the struts are required to extract themselves from the ground first and foremost, and this will take about a minute and a half, depending on the texture of the ground. Furthermore, should the floor be impenetrable by the struts, the unit is unable to initiate Opsidio Mode. As its name implies, this mode should be only utilised when attempting a long-ranged siege.