On the topic of color coding, the times in which it has ever come in handy for me have been when I've had a buttload of characters. So for example there was an rp where I ended up doing about ten characters and color code came in handy for people searching the dialogue of whoever their character was interacting with. Kingfisher has wisely put a limit on how many characters are to be rp'ed, BUT the color code can still be quite useful. For people like me who like to insert the dialogue of others into their response posts, it can make it easy to go through an entire post, see the color, and go "oh there it is." But if we're being totaly honest the only reason I put some color in this post is because quite a few posts before me also had color. I don't believe it's really required in this rp unless others believe it will help them somehow. On another note, my parrot usually sleeps downstairs, but I've started moving him upstairs at nights since about four days ago. He just saw the sun rising for the first time and he won't stop looking out the window now. What a sweetie pie.