Reaching the outskirts of town, Sana took a deep breath and began to brush the layers of sand from her body, shaking out her mantle as she did so before taking a good look around. Seeing the guards, she slightly perked a thin brow before making her way slowly through Zaphere, keeping her head down but her eyes darting about quickly as she searched for some place of refuge for the evening. The trek through the surrounding desert had been a bit more than she would have liked, her throat was parched and she needed it sated. Her flask had run dry earlier in the day and she cursed herself inwardly. [i] I should have known better than to bring such a small supply of water through a forsaken land such as this.[/i] Shrugging inwardly she continued her pace through the city until her eyes fell on The Oasis. “Oh well, this place is as good as any,” she muttered to herself before pushing her way passed the crowd outside and into the tavern proper. Walking over to the bar she leaned over and attempted to get the barkeeps attention, but to no avail. Her voice was quiet, her throat dry and the noise in the establishment was anything but peaceful. Raising her hand she tried to flag him down but his attentions were elsewhere. Finally loosing what little patience she snapped. “Hey! Think you could stop for five seconds and get me something to drink?” she yelled in a low toned raspy voice. The bartender shot her a look and walked over to her, looking slightly agitated when he did. “What do you want?” he quipped. “Hrm, I want a long night in silk sheets, the key to the city and food fit for a king. What I will settle for is water that doesn’t look like it was pulled from a mud hole,” she stated quickly. The bartender looked at her confused for a moment, her voice had been so serious with her request it took him a moment to realize she was being sarcastic. Letting out a slight laugh he served her some water and shook his head. “Attitudes like that could get you killed.” “And?” she whispered before she downed the water and tossed a few copper pieces on the bar top. Turning around, she rested her elbows on the bar top as she examined the room. [i]Typical,[/i] she thought to herself. It was a tavern; she really shouldn’t have thought it would be much more. Though it was nicer than some she had seen but it wasn’t grand on any scale. At least the water was pure. Noticing the billboard out of the corner of her eye, she wandered over to it. Slowly turning her body this way and that to weave through the crowd. “Lost child, bounties, find my goat? What kind of place is this?” she whispered quietly before her eyes fell on a piece of parchment that described what seemed to be a simple enough job, find an artifact, bring it back, get paid. [i]Seems simple enough,[/i] she thought being cringing inwardly when she realized it stated that payment for each person, meaning more than one. “I hate groups but I ain’t hunting down no goat,” she grumbled before turning around and seeking out the aforementioned table on the advertisement. It didn’t take long to find it, a table out of the way, a wizard sitting there with a group of people. Taking a deep breath she slowly pushed her way through the crowd and wandered over to the group. She nodded respectfully to those there as she pulled up a chair, bowing slightly to the wizard. “Sana Rawn, marksman, at your service,” she said quietly before seating herself on the edge of her chair, refusing to relax as she sat there.