[@potatochipgolem] Oops. What I [i]mean't[/i] to say was [quote=@Strawberry425] On another note, my [b]baby T-rex[/b] usually sleeps downstairs, but I've started moving him upstairs at nights since about four days ago. He just saw the sun rising for the first time and he won't stop looking out the window now. What a sweetie pie. [/quote] Do you see the family resemblance? [img]http://www.jurassicpark4-movie.com/media/jurassicpark_trex_moviestill.jpg[/img] [img]https://36.media.tumblr.com/902660bec1e17cdcf4f9c30da0db969a/tumblr_nhh6z6DZF31r54lp5o9_1280.jpg[/img]